Chapter 54

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Today was everyone's day off in the office so that meant Minho and Seungmin were stuck in the house together. It was two in the afternoon and Seungmin still hadn't left his room knowing that he would have to come across Minho. To him it was nothing to not leave considering he had everything he needed, a bathroom, his work laptop, his phone, and chargers...expect he didn't have food. He was hungry like crazy since the last thing he had to each was yesterday's work lunch. He didn't want to rick getting out of his room and running into him. Then he would have to talk to him and if he's being honest he didn't even want to see his face.

"Seungmin you need to eat something..." Seungmin heard Minho say from the other side of the door. "Please?"

Seungmin debated on a response but decided to ignore him and after a while Minho left from the door. He was really hungry but it wasn't worth it, he'd rather starve than see Minho's face right now... He could starve for hours, days, months. He could live off the sink water considering that fact that it only takes 10 days for the human body to die without food and water. Don't ask he knows that.

....Remember two seconds ago when Seungmin thought he could starve for forever? Yeah....That didn't last long though, he ended up downloading doordash on his phone and was planning on ordering takeout but the only problem was he going to get it to his room without having to see Minho?

"Hello!" A cheerful voice was hear from the other line, "This is ...what was this place called again..? Anyways! Beomgyu speaking!" The person said.

What kind of idiot doesn't know where they work? How unprofessional do they have to be to do something like that? That's all Seungmin could think of right now, but he's a nice person don't get him wrong he's just very hungry an- 

Wait...Did they say 'Beomgyu'? 

Where has Seungmin heard that name from...?



OH! The guy who was strangely weird about the whole lost ring situation. This actually might be perfect...

"Hey Beomgyu, I'm not sure if you'll remember me but I'm the one who lost the the bathroom a while ago... I was wondering if you could do me a favor.." Seungmin said.

" long as I'm not selling drugs then sure! Taehyun wouldn't like it if I did that...neither would my mom...or my brother... Anyways! What's up?"

"Okay so..."


Maybe asking someone who gets distracted easily to deliver food to your window isn't the best idea, it takes a very long time...Maybe Seungmin should have just walked out of the room and got the food. Maybe if he wasn't so blind he would see the clues that Jisung and Minho were dating he wouldn't have to ask someone. Maybe if he hadn't married Minho this situation wouldn't be happening. Maybe if he had confesse-


The fuck was that?


"Am I hearing shit now?" Seungmin asked himself as he looked out his open window but didn't see anything, or anyone. "Weird..."

"PSST! DOWN HERE!" Someone whisper yelled.

Seungmin looked down and saw a figure wearing a black hoodie and a mask, "B-beomgyu?" He asked hesitantly.

"Yeah! It's me! The Marvelous Choi!" Beomgyu said proudly, "But don't tell my brother I said that...he'd lock me in the bathroom for a while.." 

Seungmin shook his head with a small smile, "I won't." He assured him.

"So uh... How am I supposed to give this to you?" Beomgyu asked as he looked around.

Seungmin hadn't thought that far ahead, " could throw it..?" Seungmin said.

"You didn't think this far did you?" Beomgyu asked and Seungmin shook his head, "Neither did I... but there's a tree right here." He pointed, "Which has a branch that conveniently is pointing at your window... so I could just-"

"No!" Seungmin whisper yelled, "Just like throw it or something..!" 

"But then your food will be all crushed...and will probably fall. I don't know why but I get a major vibes that you can't catch for some reason." Beomgyu said.

He wasn't exactly wrong, Seungmin wasn't the best at catching things it always depended on luck and based on what has happened to him lately, he probably doesn't have much of  that, "Ju-"

Then someone knocked on Seungmin's room door  making him flinch away from the window as he looked at the door with wide eyes.

"Seungmin, I'm going to the store really quick I'll be back, okay?" Minho said knowing he wasn't going to get an answer but he said something anyway.

Once Seungmin heard the front door close he went back to the window an saw Beomgyu playing with some rocks he found on this side of the house, "Back door!" Seungmin said.


"The back door!!" 


Seungmin put his slippers on and quickly unlocked his door, and walked down the stairs. He saw Beomgyu waiting but he wasn't standing still, of course not. He's Beomgyu, why would he? Instead he was dancing...weirdly..

Seungmin unlocked the door which got Beomgyu's attention, "Oh hey!" 

"Hey! Thank you so, so much! You don't know how grateful I am." Seungmin smiled.

"Happy to help!" 

"How much is it?" Seungmin asked.

"Uhm... I think....It was like $18 and some change but if it's not I'll figure it out!" Beomgyu smiled through his mask.

"Okay!" Seungmin said and tapped around his pockets but realized that not only did he leave his wallet upstairs but his pants didn't even have pockets. "Shit...just come in, I left my wallet upstairs." Seungmin said.

"Okie dokie!" Beomgyu walked inside and admired the house, "It's really nice in here!" He complimented.

"Thanks!" Seungmin said, "This way-"

"How the hell did I forget my phone.." Minho said walking through the front door making Seungmin freeze and Beomgyu looked at the man standing at the door.

Minho looked up and saw Seungmin as well as another person behind him, "Seu-"

Seungmin quickly grabbed Beomgyu's arm and rushed them both upstairs, "Ah!" Beomgyu yelped.

"Seungmin wait!"

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