Chapter 8

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"Hwang get off!" I whined pushed him off of me and dusted myself off as if he had a contagious flu. 

"That's the Seungmin I know. Man you haven't changed a bit." he said with a smile on his face. Yeah sure I lied about not knowing many people at school. Yes Hwang was one of them, but he left me. Without saying anything and then he showed up on graduation day trying to explain things. I didn't hear him out, well more like I couldn't but that's a story for another day. I guess you could say him clinging on to me and annoying me made us close. We were best friends but I'm not sure about now.

"So, how much for the damages Hwang?" I asked him, I was suprised that he was here yes. But I didn't have time to waste. I was hungry and tired; mostly tired. 

"I already told you pup, give me your number and you won't to worry about it." He held out his hand waiting for me to put something there. I gave hime a look and sighed.

"Just let me pay for the damn car Hwang, I really don't have time for this." I said as I crossed my arms  over my chest.

"Fine have it your way Kim."  He opened his car door to reach for something. What was he getting? I don't know and I could give less of a fuck about it. I saw him write something down and then get back out of the car. "Here." He said passing me a piece of paper. "Since you want to pay me so bad, take this and once you found out how much it is call me and then we can meet up to do the exchange. Okay?" I refused to take the paper not knowing what was on it, so he took one of my hands and placed the paper in it. Before I could even say anything about what was on the paper, he got in his car.

"See you later Minnie" he winked at me and drove off. It was like watching one of those cringey romantic scences, but it made me smile then I realized what just happened. 

"Damn you Hwang.." I mumbled under my breath looking at the piece of paper that had his number on it and walked back to my car. 

Don't loose this paper Pup, 


                                        -Your DLD

'Can't belive he still remembers that.'  'DLD' was what Hwang used to use for short whenever I called him a 'Drama Llama Dumpling'. But I guess some things never change. I smiled and reversed again, this time without hitting anyone.


When I got home Minho wasn't there, so I checked me phone but saw no messages. 'He'll probably be back later.' 'Later? He is literally seeing other people and you think he'll come home later, and then love you and kiss you and all that bullshit? Pfft, idiot.' I already had too much to think about so I just put the stuff I brought, into the kitchen in their rightful places. I headed upstairs and basically threw myself onto the bed after closing the room door. I took out my phone with intentions of just scrolling on socials but I looked at the call app; then debated for a second. 'Am I actually going to contact that Drama Llama..?' I flung my phone back onto the bed. Hell no. I'm not fucking crazy. I got up and went to take a shower, and after I was finished I got cozy in bed and almost instantly went to sleep. 

(Word Count: 599)

 2 chapters tomorrow! I really mean it this time!! Now goodnight I'm so fucking tired🥂


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