Chapter 74

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Hyunjin walked back into the room with a bottle of water and handing it to Seungmin who was sitting on the bed. Hyunjin sat down next to Seungmin while awkwardly rubbing his own legs. He was scared to explain things to Seungmin seeing as how he reacted to the other situation, and he really didn't want to lose him again.' better to tell the truth now or who knows what could go wrong. 

"So?" Seungmin said breaking the silence.

"Right...uh..." Hyunjin stumbled on his words, "Where do you want me to start..?" He asked and Seungmin gave him a unimpressed look, "Right, probably the beginning.." Hyunjin said answering his own question before clearing his throat, "When Minho sent me away, I was pissed.."

"So you lied about knowing that too?" Seungmin scoffed, "Jesus Christ.." 

"I know, I'm sorry...I just wanted to be there for you and then explain my side to you." Hyunjin said, as he hesitantly held Seungmin's hand.

Seungmin sighed while accepting the hand, "Just continue."

"I did everything I could while I was in the states, I studied hard and I made sure to get my degree so I could come back and help my dad with his company. But when I got back I was sent away again and that's when I heard you two had gotten married...and I..I was heartbroken because I thought that you had completely forgotten about me, which I wouldn't have blamed you if the guy that took your first kiss vanished right after." Hyunjin said and Seungmin scoffed.

"How did you know that me and Minho were going through relationship problems?" Seungmin asked.

"Money can do..a lot. And I mean a lot.." Hyunjin said. Seungmin wanted to ask more but instead told Hyunjin to keep going, "When I came back again...finally. I told myself that I would find you, and tell you the truth...about everything but that day you crashed into me-"

"It was a fucking accident! Jeez.." Seungmin defended with a slight pout making Hyunjin smile.

"That day was a coincidence, I swear. I was just ask shocked to see you too...and then from there..." 

"You popped up everywhere? Yeah I know." Seungmin said.

"Minnie, you don't know how sorry I am. I wish a lot of things turned out differently and-" Hyunjin was cut off mid sentence by a soft pair of lips on his. "Minnie..?" Hyunjin said when Seungmin pulled away. 

"I'm very upset...and I'm very much disappointed. Disappointed that you lied to me and upset because" Seungmin paused, "Shit, I don't know okay? Just stop fucking lying to me, no more lies okay?" He said and Hyunjin nodded his head with a small smile. "And that means if you have...anything else to tell me now is the time. Because next time you pull some shit, it'll be a lot worse."

"Nope, nothing else." Hyunjin assured him.



"Okay...well then let's watch the movie now." Seungmin said, crawling over Hyunjin.

"What...what are you doing?" Hyunjin asked nervously as he could have sworn he was hearing romantic music playing.

"Grabbing the remote?" Seungmin said with a confused face and he sat back in his place. "Your giant ass was in the way and I didn't feel like getting up." He explained.

Yeah the music certainly stopped playing in Hyunjin's head has he cleared his throat, "Right...remote." He said as he watched Seungmin pass through a bunch of movies. "Hey, wait! You passed 20th Century Girl!" He pouted.

"Didn't you just confess to lying to me?" Seungmin said as he continued to scroll through the movies. Hyunjin stayed quiet, "That's what I thought. We're watching anything but that emotionally traumatizing movies." He said.


Now a bit of MinSung yeah?

Minho knocked on Jisung's door after standing outside of it for 15 minutes. He waited paciently before the door opened, revealing a Jisung with a sleep mask on and an animal onesie that said 'I heart my bestfriend.' And a container of cheese balls in his hand as he grabbed a hand full.

"Felix, what the fuck too you so long? I practically shoved all the snacks in my mouth already you chicken!" Jisung ranted as he yanked off the sleep mask, only to see that the person in front of him wasn't Felix.

"Hey Ji..." Minho said trying to hold back a laugh as he looked at the the image in front of him, "I got you flower?" He said as he revealed the bouquet behind his back.

"FUCK YOUR FLOWERS!" Jisung shouted, grabbing the bouquet and throwing on the before slamming the door in Minho's face.

Minho was completely flabbergasted as he tried to process what just happened. He knocked on the door again, "Ji?" But he no answer, instead he heard a bunch of commotion on the inside of the of Jisung's apartment.

Jisung on the other hand was trying to pick up the mess that was in his apartment, still embarrassed that he opened the door for Minho looking like an adorable, lazy, squishy animal. And that was not how he planned on seeing Minho again.

He had stuff and a bunch of crumbs on the floor. "Shit shit shit..." Jisung mumbled to himself as he stepped on something on the floor. When he looked down it was a clip, "I've been looking for your bitch ass for days!" He said as he picked the clip up.

He went to his room to change into something...less embarrassing?

He put on a long sleeve t-shirt and pajama pants, and then went back to open the door.

Minho was about to walk away from the door when he heard it open, and felt weight on his back almost making him fall over by the sudden action. "How dare you ignore my calls, texts, and not try to contact me and then appear at my door when I'm all comfortable jerk!" Jisung scolded as he was on Minho's back. "I missed you." He mumbled.

Minho smiled, "I missed you too." He said.

Jisung got off Minho's back and crouched down, "I unfuck your beautiful flowers." He said as he picked up the bouquet.

"Ji, that doesn't sound.."

"Now let's go inside!" Jisung said grabbing Minho's wrist and dragging him into his apartment.

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