Chapter 12

681 37 17

(Word Count: 976)


Fucking Hwang. Always doing some shit. Maybe I should have stayed home, then none of this would have happened. I wouldn't have gotten my feelings hurt, I wouldn't be sitting here looking stupid, and sure as hell wouldn't have encountered Hwang posing as my husband because my actual husband is an asshole, who at this point care for himself only. Since Hwang showed up everyone was shocked, even Felix, considering that his brother is my actual husband. Jisung and Jeongin looked really.... Happy? And everyone else was just talking about the two of us as if I wasn't sitting at the exact same table as them while Hwang was giving me a stupid smile. It went a little quiet at the table for a minute, not too quiet since there are other people in the restaurant as well but just a little bit of an awkward silence. 

"So... you two actually got married?" One of the students asked. And before I could put a stop to the bullshit—

"Of course!" Hwang said, grabbing my right and hand taking it into his. You haven't seen the way I hung onto him in school? I thought it was a pretty obvious sign." He said continuing his bullshit, and here I was panicking inside because on, he's holding my hand!! I don't think I've ever held anyone's hand other Felix, Minho and my birth giver. Two I hate lying, I'm not good at it and never will be, and if he continued any longer I might fucking explode. 

Then there was a hum across the table and we all looked at the person. "So why doesn't he have a ring on?" That bitch Leana asked, trying to meddle even more, and I'll tell you right now it's making me fucking nervous. The way that I'm gripping my thought right now, I'm surprised it's not bleeding.

"Ahhh! That?" Hyunjin asked with a smile, "I..." he paused, "I hate to admit it but I lost it." He said with a nervous chuckle. Lost it?! What kind of fucking excuse is that?!

"You lost it?!" Another classmate asked, which is exactly what I was thinking, how the fuck did he come up with something as stupid as that.

"How did you lose it?" Someone asked. Great. Now he's in deep shit and I'm in deeper shit. How the helm could he cov—

"Well, I wanted to change the ring a bit.. so I was going to swap it out for something a little more.. his style I guess? But I was rushing so that I could give it to him by the time he got home and I lost it somewhere." He said scratching the back of his neck. After he explained a lot of 'Ah's' and 'Oh's' were heard, and I saw Leana roll her eye and pick up a drink. But me? Was I happy about how all of this went down? Not really. Was I in relief that Hwang came and help? I'll never admit it but sure, maybe. But the only thing that I could think about was how the hole of the lie was just going to keep getting deeper and deeper, and eventually the truth will come out. Because is he started the story it was going to have to keep going and going. 

"I knew it!" We heard a voice celebrate, and turns out it was Jisung's, "I knew you two would get married! You guys were just so cute in school, still are by the way. I'm so happy for you two!" He said expressing his excitement and happiness. And for some reason it made me smile inside. And I felt my face heating up. I looked down at my lap so no one could see that obvious blush on my face, but they already did and started teasing me about it. So I picked up one of those beer glasses and chugged. Just to clarify, I don't drink much I just did it on an impulse. I received many shocked faces and many cheers. When I finished the drink I put the glass on the table and stood up. 

"We'll be right back." I said, snatching Hwang out his seat and dragging him into the restroom. Once we were inside I shut the door and locked it. Was it a bathroom with stalls? Yes, yes it was. We're other people going to have to use the bathroom? Of course they were but I didn't give a shit. 

While facing the door still I asked, "Why did you do that..?" 

"Do what?" Hwang asked with a hint of cluelessness in his voice.

"Why did you lie?" I asked turning around to finally face him. "And it's not like you lied once Hwang. You lied multiple times! Do you know how much worse things could get when everyone finds out the truth?!" I said yelling.

"What truth? The fact that you don't have a husband, or the fact that we aren't married? I mean it wasn't just me that lied Kim."

"I didn't lie, I told the truth."

"So you do have a husband..?" He asked.

"Yes, Hwang. I do." I said crossing my arms across my chest. And for some reason I saw hurt in his eyes, like my words affected him somehow. He then put his hands in his pockets.

"So where's your ring?" He asked.

"That's... that's not important." I said hesitating.

"Well it is Seungmin. That ring could be some sort of evidence of your marriage, significant other's wear it for a reason. Unless they want other people to approach them." He said slowly stepping forward as I stepped back. "Is that what you want Minnie? For other people to approach you?" He said leaning down the my eye level, and all I could do it shake my head. "So... are you married... or not pup?" He whispered close to my ear.

"No.. I'm not.."

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