Chapter 13

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Why? That's all I could ask right now. Why, did Hwang Hyunjin still have that damn affect on me? Why, did I lie to him? Why, did I let him put his number in my phone after we agreed I would contact him after I found out the price for the car damages? I found out he fixed car on his own by the way so that's that. And why, the fuck did I think that I could go to that damn reunion with out being completely fucked over? AND WHERE THE FUCK IS LEE MINHO?! I arrived home two days ago, and I was completely livid with him. I was so pissed, it was my last straw. I moved everything out of our room and into the room across down to the stuff from the bathroom. I couldn't believe he would actually do something like this to me. Then I did it. I did something that I never would have thought to do.. ever.

'Calling DLD Hwang 🥟...'

"You missed me alrea—"

"Wanna hangout?" I asked, cutting him off.

"Right now...?" He asked.

"Yeah. Why? You don't want to? That's oka-"

"No, of course I want to, it's just..." He paused.

"Just what?"



"Are you.. drunk..?" He asked, and I chuckled.

"Me? Drunk? No. You know I'm not that big on alcohol."

"Just because you're not that big on it doesn't mean you won't drink it from time to time. How much did you drink Minnie?" 

"Mm fine. One shot?" I said.

"Is that a question to my question or an answer to my question?" 

"Fine.. 3 shots."


"Fine~ " I whined "I drank about..." I paused to look at the bottle. "Half a bottle" I said with a smile.

"Hal-?! Half a bottle Minnie?! Half of what?"

"Hold on, what is it?" I said squinting my eyes and bringing the bottle close to my eyes. "Ah! Red wine! Half a bottle of red wine!"

"Minnie, you know your alcohol tolerance isn't high, shit it's not even average."

"I know~." I said dragging out the short sentence. 

"So why did you do it Minnie?" He asked sounding like a parent.

"Well... you know how people say that drinking is a way to escape from whatever you're feeling?"

"Mmm... I guess?"

"Either that's a lie, or it just doesn't work for me. Maybe I'm already too deep in these feelings that nothing can get me out."


"Why what?"

"Why do you think nothing can help."

"I let myself hurt too long... even if one month and a few weeks isn't long, I still feel broken." I said with my voice shaking. "Do you know how hard I try everyday? I try everything to take my mind off of it but nothing can." I let out a sad chuckle, "Hell, I even took up ot, I barley slept, I barley ate, but nothing. I'm still suffering, and what's worse is I don't have any friends or anyone at all to talk to." I said finishing my small rant, and then there was a silence. 

"No one to talk to?" He asked.

"Is that the only thing you picked up Hwang?" Then I sighed, "Yes no one." 

"What about Felix? And Jisung and Jeongin? Aren't they your friends?"

"We aren't friends like that... Felix is probably only my friend because he has to be. Jisung and Jeongin, I was never really close to them. And I only met them for the first time since school like a month ago. I don't want to bother them with my problems already, it'll make me seems werid. So yes I have no one to talk to or hang out with." I said wiping my building tears.


"Hm?" I sniffled.

"Where are you?" He asked and I heard shuffling through the call.

"At home.. why?" 

"I'll come pick you up. Send me the address." Before I could even say anything, "It's not a question Kim." He added and I heard more shuffling.

"Okay.." I mumbled.

Then he hung up.

Then I smiled at the phone.

Minho's POV

I know I was supposed to be home right now making it up to Seungmin, but I couldn't be right now. Jisung got a really bad hang over after drinking at that reunion. And I had to take care of him in... many ways. And it wasn't on purpose, I couldn't just leave Jisung here to fend for himself while he was a drunken squirrel. I do admit I stayed longer than I intended to, but I planned on going home today and that's a plan I promise to go through with.

"Baby!" I heard Jisung yell.

"Yeah?" I shouted back, then heard him running to the living room where I currently was.

"I forgot to tell you!"

"Tell me what?" I said taking my eyes off my phone and putting it down in my lap.

"So at the reunion, I arrived a little late but that's okay! But anyways, when I got there everyone was laughing, except Seungmin and Felix. And it turns out everyone, well not everyone but just Leana...." Jisung was telling me about the reunion but I couldn't give my full attention to him because I was thinking of a possible way to apologize sincerely to Seungmin. I was thinking hard until I heard Jisung say something that made me... angry? It was just an angry feeling, and betrayal.

"Hyunjin and Seungmin are actually married! You should have seen the way he came up to the table! He was so cool! He was like "He has a husband and he's right here."" Jisung said mimicking Hwang's voice. "Isn't that so sweet?" He asked with a big smile on his face, then he sat on my lap.

"Mm. I guess it is?" I said wrapping my hands around his waist.

"It is! And also I found out the reason why Minnie didn't have a a ring the last time we saw him." 

"Why?" I asked, genuinely curious as to why Seungmin didn't have his ring. I mean I still wear mine, just not on my ring finger.

"Apparently Hyunjin lost it when he wanted to get a new one for Minnie and was in a rush so he says it's somewhere in their house. But anyways! I find them really cute, they held hands and everything!" He said.

Hands? They held hands? They held fucking hands. And lost it in their house? What kind of shit was Hwang pulling? And did Seungmin not fucking explode with all the lying? The fuck was going on? There was a silence and it was suspenseful for me.

"Baby, I've gotta go for a little bit. But I'll be back okay?"

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