Chapter 67

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"Okay~" Felix sang in a happy tone, "We have two more hours until we sing happy birthday! Who wants to sing the next song?" He asked.

"I will!" Hyunjin raised his hands as his friends cheered for him since it was the first time he volunteered to sing.

"Wo!" Felix cheered handing Hyunjin the mic.

"I will be singing an original song for Beomgyu." Hyunjin said, "Because if I don't, Seungmin's going to be mad at me for forever since I locked his precious child in a storage room." He said defeated.

"IDIOT." Changbin coughed.

"Shut up! I'm starting!" Hyunjin shouted, and then cleared his throat, "Beomgyuuuuu~ I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you~" 

"Where's my phone? I need to keep this footage for as long as I can." Felix laughed.

"The storage room wasn't the way to go~" Hyunjin sang while spelling the word sorry with his butt.

"Is he drunk?" Chan asked while laughing.

As Hyunjin continued singing, someone tapped Seungmin's shoulder while he laughed at Hyunjin. He turned around and saw Minho, "Can we talk?" He asked and Seungmin nodded while getting up.

"Chan hyung, can you watch Beomgyu please? If I leave Lin to do it she'll just do everything she's not supposed to do." Seungmin asked.

"Sure, no problem." Chan said taking a quick look at the kid who was very interested in Hyunjin's song.

"Okay let's go." Seungmin said as Minho lead the two upstairs and into one of Felix's guest rooms, closing the door behind him.

Seungmin sat on the chair by a desk, "What's up?" He asking, spinning around in the chair.

"Seungmin..." Minho said.

"That's me." Seungmin smiled while still spinning.

"Are you and Hyunjin dating?" Minho asked making Seungmin stop spinning.


"Are you two dating? Because you seem a lot closer than last time." Minho said.

Seungmin blinked a few times. Him and Hyunjin weren't exactly dating, so that wouldn't be a lie...but they're definitely more than friends.

"Seungmin?" Minho called out making Seungmin snap out of his thoughts.

"No." Seungmin smiled, "We're friends." He said and Minho raised an eyebrow, "Ish...we're friends-ish. But I don't see the problem." Seungmin shrugged.

"You don't see a problem with being close to the one person I don't want you to be close with?" Minho asked with a scoff.

"Well we work together on the same floor and we have mutual friends, so no, I don't. Plus whatever is going on is between you guys, not me. You should be glad we aren't more than friends." Seungmin shrugged, "And I still don't get what's going on between you two."

"That's not important Seungmin." Minho said.

"Clearly it is." Seungmin scoffed, "It's important enough for you to not want me even near him. I honestly don't fucking get it. You two were best friends in high school, then you dated which is fine or whatever. But next thing I know you two are broken up and Hyunjin completely disappeared? Shit if you're mad about that then you guys should talk it out."


"I'm upset that he just vanished, leaving me with these strange feelings, but I don't fucking hate him." Seungmin said.

"Yeah because there was nothing between you two, and nothing happened between the two of you." Minho said.

Seungmin got up from the chair looking offended, "Just because nothing happened doesn't mean I didn't have feelings for him Minho. You know that. And if you want to be a big fucking asshole, do so, just not right now." Seungmin said, "We're at a birthday party."

"And if you don't want to be a fucking traitor, then don't get close to Hyunjin. Simple." Minho shrugged.

"Seriously, I don't fucking get it." Seungmin scoffed, "I let you and Jisung be together, someone I barley know. But I can't be with Hyunjin because you don't want to tell me what the hell happened between you two? If you don't tell me, how can I at least try to help so that I'm not a 'traitor'?" Seungmin asked.

"You let me and Jisung be together out of your own free will, however you and Hyunjin are a different story b-"

"Because you hate him! And I don't understand why! If you tell me I could help, but you're holding out so I can't!" Seungmin sighed.

"I don't hate him." Minho rolled his eyes.

"Now that's bullshit. You hate him and you know it. And you won't talk to anyone about it." Seungmin said.

"I said I don't hate him, I dislike him." Minho said.

"Minho you hate him." Seungmin said.

"No I-"

"Yes you do! Don't argue with me! You hate him so fucking much you despise him being here. You've been staring at him with this disapproving look for hours! You hate him so fucking much, you know it. You hate him." Seungmin said, "You hate him, you hate him, you!-"

"Okay fine! I'll tell you! Is that what you want?!" Minho asked, as he felt pressured because Seungmin kept repeating it. And that was Seungmin's goal, to annoy the shit out of him so he could just say what's going on.

"Do you guys hear that?" Lin asked, as she felt she hear yelling.

"Hear what?" Felix asked grabbing a snack.

"Guess not..." Lin said with a shrugged.

Chan looked around the room but it suddenly turned into concern, "As anyone seen the kid?" He asked.

"There's a kid here?" Jeongin asked.

"Yeah, you." Jisung joked, making Jeongin throw popcorn at him.

"No I mean Seungmin's precious child, has anyone seen him?" Chan asked not seeing Beomgyu anywhere in the living room.

"Nope." Lin said.

"Wasn't he just here?" Changbin asked.

"Maybe his ears started to bleed after Hyunjin's song." Jisung giggled and Felix did too.

"I would like to inform you that my song was amazing, thank you very much." Hyunjin said, flipping his hair.

"Amazingly horrible." Lin snickered.

"Hey!" Hyunjin said not knowing who said that, "Who are you to-" He stopped when he saw Lin giving him a not so friendly smile.

"No guys, seriously...where's the kid?" Chan asked.

"Relax hyung, he probably went to the bathroom." Jeongin shrugged, giving Chan some water.

"Yeah, I wouldn't be too worried." Hyunjin said.

"Of course you aren't, you locked him in a storage room." Lin said.

"It was one ti-"

"Do you guys hear that?" Felix asked as he heard someone calling out for something.

"Yeah..?" Jisung said.

"The fuck is that?" Changbin asked.

"Why don't you go check it out smartass?" Jeongin said, receiving a pinch on his arm from Chan.

"Stop cursing." Chan said but Jeongin just mocked him.

"Guys, it's getting louder..." Jisung said as the call for help suddenly got louder and everyone huddled up.

"I'm scared..." Jeongin said.

Everyone waited for whatever it was to come out but it never happened. They all sighed and got away from one another.

"Well...Who wants pizz-!"

"Hey guys!" Beomgyu said appearing out of nowhere making everyone scream.

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