Chapter 20

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Seungmin's POV

Never thought I could hate working in the office more than I did before. Every time someone walked past my desk they tried to make small talk and I absolutely hate small talk. What's more is that because I'm Hwang's secretary, everyone hands me the work to give to him. Which I've been holding off on doing not knowing what kind of Hwang I was going to see after I quite literally disappeared on him. 

"Hi Mr. Kim!" I heard a voice say while I also heard heels slamming the floor. Mrs. Soon. She's like an older sister, we're not close but we're close enough to make sarcastic jokes with each other. She was the one that helped me out when I first joined this company, and when she noticed that I hated talking to anyone unless it was necessary, she recommended I work from home. I was grateful for her, she was an older sister that I never had.

"Never heard that one before." I responded. We never really called each other by our last names unless there were other people. 

"Whatever." She said playfully rolling her eyes. "Whatcha doing?" She asked walking around my desk to look at my computer.

"I'm hacking the computer." I said to her with a straight face, I mean what else would I be doing on a computer at my job? 

"Very funny Seungmin." She said flicking  my neck. "Look at you. You still can't do this right?"

"It's not my fault! It's a very hard thing to remember Lin. Everything look all... mixed together." I whined. And I wasn't making excuses. These graphs aren't the best, and there are too many colors, it's like looking at rainbow. 

"Get rid of that, lemme help." She said putting her hand on the mouse. 

"You make it look easy." I said huffing, "Why don't you take my job and I take yours? It'd be way better." 

"Well my job isn't easy either. And plus I can't take your job after Mr. Handsome face personally asked for you." She stated with her eyes still glued the computer.

"Mr... handsome face? Seriously?" I asked.

"Yep. I know you've seen his face, it's extremely handsome."

"You're not wrong about that." I said, agreeing with her very true fact.

"Be careful, your husband wouldn't like that~." She said standing up straight.

I scoffed at her statement. "There's a lot of things he does that I don't like yet I can't say anything." I mumbled she looked at me and shook her head. 

"There. Take a good look at it because I won't help you again." She said and I turned my gaze towards my computer. 

"You make it look so easy it's not fair." 

"Yeah yeah. Cry about it." She rolled her eyes. "Now come here." She said.

"What? Why?"

"Just do it." She hissed, and I moved closer to her. 

"Closer.." I scooted more. "Even closer..."


"Just do it!" 

"Fine.." I scooted even closer than before and now we were face to face, and then I felt a sudden pain on my forehead. "Oww! What the hell!" I said rubbing the spot her flicked.

"Keep 'em on their toes." She mumbled to herself while blowing her fingers like they were a heated gun.

"All I did was blink. And what was that even for?" I complained.

"Well I've been waiting for the day you came back into the office for you to need my help with those graphs again."

"Why?" I asked looking in the mirror that was in my drawer to make sure she didn't leave a spot like last time.

"Don't you remember?" She asked and I just looked at her confused. "Every time I help you, I get to flick that big forehead of yours."

"My forehead is not big you... you stick!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah whatever. Anyways. Will you to give these to Mr. Handsome face for me? They're documents that just got passed over from his other company." She said handing me a folder. "Thanks!" She said giving me a smile and walking away. 

"But I..." Dammit. Now I have to see Hwang. Unless I give this to someone else to give to Hwang? Yeah that sounds better. Just as I was thinking about who I could give these to, God practically answered my prayers. Someone was walking by me, I was going to call for them but I don't remember their name... screw it.

"Excuse me!" I shouted and they looked my way and pointed at themselves.


"Yes you! I need a favor." I responded. I fell really bad, it was like I had turned into those work seniors that abuse their position to get the inters and juniors to do everything for them. But this was reasonable.

"Oh sure.."

"Can you give these to Mr. Hwang please?" I said handing the folder out. 

"I would but he's in a meeting right now.." 

"Oh." That's actually perfect! "I didn't know that. Never mind then!" I said shooing them away. Alright! Let's go put these in his office and then hang out in the break room! I smiled to myself while walking down the hall to his office. I can't believe I didn't know that he wasn't there. Man I really don't pay attention. 

Soon I entered his office, with a knock just in case. You never know if he was in his office and then I just barged in there. That would be rude. I looked around wheel I walked towards his desk. This office is kind of big when you look at it. Who needs all this space anyways? What are you doing besides having small meetings and sitting at your desk all day. But I shrugged it off and placed the folder on his desk. 

I was going to walk away when I noticed his drawer open. I was going to leave it but it was bothering me. Even though I wasn't the one to open it it'll be on my mind all day. And then I'll start think about all the possibilities. Like what if dust got in it and contaminated everything in the drawer? Dust is every where and carries a lot of germ and stuff so it's possible. Right? Whatever I'll just close it. 

I walked around the desk and was about to close it when I saw something. What is... 

Then I heard something. Something that told me that I wasn't alone in this office. Then I thought about it. Meeting... there wasn't a meeting until tomorrow. And if Hwang's not in a meeting then....

My eyes went wide with realization "Shit..."

"What are you doing?"

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