Chapter 43

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Felix looked at the two backstabbers sitting across from him in the living room as the two had their heads down. "I fucking knew it." Felix scoffed, "So what you're telling me is that Seungmin gave you full permission to see anyone else? And you did the same?" He asked confused, "Well anyone expect Hyunjin." He rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Felix I didn't know that he was married to Seungmin until yesterday... I wouldn't done any of this if I knew before." Jisung said looking down at his lap.

"But you knew he was married! So either way this entire thing isn't right Han Jisung!" Felix scoffed. 

"Stop yelling.." Minho complained and his brother looked at him in disbelief.


"Felix, we're sorting it out now. It's jus-"

"No!" Felix shouted cutting Jisung off, "Do you think love is some type of game?! What about people's feelings?" 

"Felix calm down." Minho said.

"You don't get to just fool around and then hit the reset button on a mistake you can't go back on! That's not how it works!" Felix ran his fingers through his hair and sighed, "Seriously what part of any of this made you think it was a good idea? If you love someone stick to it and if you don't feel the same way after some years then you fucking tell them!" He shouted making Jisung flinch. 

"Felix please..." Minho pleaded softly.

"I just... I don't understand." Felix shook his head, "Ji if you love Minho then you would be able to let him be with the person he loves and not be an asshole, convincing him to cheat on Seungmin." He said softly this time. "And you," he looked at Minho, "If you love Seungmin you wouldn't be stupid enough to do any of this and be an asshole leaving him alone days straight making him wonder what the fuck he's done wrong for you to even ask for an open marriage."

"Felix I didn't mean for it to come to this. I wanted to tell him I just didn't know when." Minho explained with a sigh.

"Felix he's right... I didn't mean for any of this to fall out like it did. We're trying to fix it...Well we just started'll be fixed." Jisung said in a soft tone.

"Let me ask you guys this... okay?" Felix sighed.

"Okay uhm... Sure.." Jisung hesitantly said.

"What special days are in September?" 


"You and Jisung's birthday." Minho said plainly

"Oh and Seungminnie's..." Jisung added.

"Great now what do we do on the 14th and 15th?" Felix asked.

"I don't fuckin-"

"Our conjoined birthday party thingies.." Jisung answered interrupting Minho.

"Wonderful. How many days is that from now?" 

"About two... no three.. four weeks?" Jisung answered again.

"That's how much time you guys have." Felix said looking between the two.

"What?" Minho said.

"Yeah. That's how much time you have. 4 weeks to tell Seungmin. I honestly don't want an awkward atmosphere during our birthday so it's better to do it sooner than later, yeah?" Felix said getting up from the couch. "Also, I don't want to see your faces until then or until Seungmin tells me that you told him." He said walking towards the door.

"What makes you think he'll say anything to you?" Minho asked.

"He won't go to you for comfort, that's for sure hyung." Felix said walking out the door.


Jeongin felt bad about what he said to Chan last night and he knew how much it affected him. He didn't go to bed until Jeongin did and pretty much avoided him since he got out the shower last night. So he decided to do something special for him.

Chan was still sleeping even though it was already afternoon, so Jeongin took time off of work and decided to spend the day with Chan.

"Then you pour just enough batter the size of your palm into the pan like so..." The women on video playing on Jeongin's phone.

"Shit... is that too much...I think it's fine? Maybe a bit more..?" Jeongin asked himself grabbing the bowl he had the batter in but knocked something down in the process. "Oh shit!" He whisper yelled looking at the bottle of oil he knocked over that caused it to spill.

"Damn it..." He cursed himself for being clumsy as he cleaned up the mess. "The fuck is that smell- God damn it!!" He got up from the floor and quickly turning the stove off. But then his pan started floating... "Wait my pancake!" Jeongin shouted.

"Baby...this isn't a pancake anymore. Maybe a charcoal disc but definitely not a pancake." Chan laughed. 

"Hyung... what are you doing up?" Jeongin asked turning around to look at Chan.

"Well when you live with your boyfriend who has burned instant noodles and almost set the kitchen on fire's only natural to be scared." Chan said giving Jeongin a kiss before walking over to the trash.

"I was trying my best but I knocked something over an-"

"Where?" Chan asked.

"Over there," Jeongin said pointing to a spot on the floor by the stove, "Why?" He asked.

"Because the last time you cleaned up a spill... you sprained your ankle." Chan  said putting the pan in the sink after throwing away the brunt pancake.

"I was in a rush! I swear I cleaned it properly!" Jeongin argued.

"Alright whatever you say.." Chan chuckled and walked over to Jeongin, picking him up and placing him on the counter. He noticed some batter on Jeongin's cheek and wiped it off, "So? Why'd you decide to make pancakes at... 2 in the afternoon?" Chan asked.

"Well I heard about this breakfast for lunch that they do for American schools so I th-"

"Not that... I mean why did you want to cook in the first place? Why not let me do it like I usually do baby?" Chan asked, moving some hair out of Jeongin's face.

"Because I apologize.. for last night." Jeongin said, "I didn't mean it in that way and I didn't to upset you hyung..."

"It's okay Innie." Chan smiled at him. 

"Really?" Jeongin asked.

"Yep." Chan said kissing the top of Jeongin's head, "Now let's clean up this mess and get something to eat, okay?" 

"Okay!" Jeongin smiled hopping off the counter almost falling.

"Clumsy fox." Chan chuckled, ruffling Jeongin's hair.

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