Chapter 59

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"9024 Kick that drum.." Lin sung in a low tone as she slightly danced while walking in the hallway towards Seungmin's desk, "Why's it so dark in this hallway..." She asked herself before turning around and flicking the light switch, "There we go!" She said and went back to singing her song "My ego in thi- AHHH!" She jumped in the middle of the song after seeing a figure sitting in Seungmin's chair.

That figure slowly looked up at Lin who was still recovering from a heart attack. "MR. HWANG?!" Lin said in shock after finally being able to see the figures face. "Why are you sitting in the dark?... You scared me, jeez." She said looking at Hyunjin's face.

He was staring at her with a dead look in his eye that made her back up slightly. His hair was still in his face a bit and he had a small pout sitting on his lips. Lin put on a nervous smile before carefully walking closer, "Mr. Hwang..?" She said softly, "Are you okay..?"

"How can I be okay when the one person I come to work for isn't here..." Hyunjin let out a heavy sigh, "My happy pill has disappeared..." He slowly blinked.

Lin thought for a second with a confused face that quickly turned into realization, "You mean Seungmin?" She asked and was glared at making her step back just a bit.

"Who gave you permission to call him by his first name?" Hyunjin looked at Lin up and down while staring at her still, "We're in a work environment...get it together.." 

Lin rolled her eyes after Hyunjin turned his head forward again, "I mean it's only the start of the day. I'm pretty sure he's on his way."

"It's not just about him not being here.. He hasn't answered my calls...or texts all weekend." Hyunjin said, "Did I do something wrong?" He asked.

"No, but maybe he just didn't see the notifications. Seungmin isn't a phone addict so-"

"You talk as if you've known him for years." Hyunjin glared again.  


"Forget it... I'm going back into my office." Hyunjin said getting up from Seungmin's chair and walking towards his office.

"Tsk. Salty ass bitch..." Lin scoffed before putting a folder and Seungmin's desk. "My ego in this show...달나라까지 Go..."


Incase you're wondering what happened on Saturday when Taehyun came home...

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot." Taehyun said making a rock with his hands as Beomgyu made scissors.


"Yep cough it up. How'd you meet him?" Taehyun asked.

"Taehyun that isn't fair! I'm not good at this game." Beomgyu whined.

Usually whenever something happens and the two want answers from one another, they play rock paper scissors. Whoever loses has to answer the winners questions and vise versa. If they're...lying or leaving some parts out they get a flick on the forehead. Taehyun made this game because he knew it'd be a little more fun for Beomgyu, and since he gets distracted easily he thought it would be better since Beomgyu loves games. 

"Hurry up Choi." Taehyun said.

"Okay..okay. So remember that guy I was telling you about? That slender person who had like really nice hair a-"


"Right! Anyways, that guy took a ring saying that it was for a friend. You do remember that right?" Beomgyu asked.

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