Chapter 58

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"So? Are you going to say anything?" Seungmin asked as he watched Minho try to come up with words to spout out.

"Seungmin I know you're mad-"

"I'm not mad." Seungmin plainly said turning around and crossing his arms. "Who said I was mad?"

"So you're not in complete rage...?" Minho asked confused.

"Minho I'm not mad. I feel upset, disappointed, offended, and betrayed. I'm everything but mad. Sure some people would be running around wild, breaking stuff, going around telling everyone how their husband was fucking around with his brothers best friend." Seungmin said.


"No. Let me tell you something Minho. I feel so offended and so fucking disrespected. Why is it that EVERYONE knew about the shit you two were pulling behind my back but no one had the fucking curtesy to tell me?" Seungmin scoffed, "We work in the same building for fuck's sake Minho! All three of us do, and yet every single time you both saw my face none of you felt guilty for fucking lying and betraying me? You both smiled in my face for months and I sat down like an idiot thinking I had a friend, a person that was willing to hang around me. Was it guilt? Is that why you were so soft... a-and fucking caring for the past few days? Is that it? Because you knew this was going to happen eventually so you wanted to make sure that I was on your good side?" Seungmin asked but Minho just stood there.

"Okay...uhm. I get it Seungmin, I-"

"Do you get it? Because it isn't just me you're hurting Minho. You're hurting yourself and Jisung! You just went switching between the both of us like we were back up plans for one another. I get that he suggested it but did you ever think about how he really  feels about having to share the one person he loves in the world with another person? That other person being his potential friends?" Seungmin asked, "Okay.." He sighed, "Let's forget about me and Jisung for a second, okay? What about you...Minho?" 

"Me?" Minho asked confused.

"No fucking idiot, SHINee Minho." Seungmin rolled his eyes at Minho being clueless, "Minho I'm being serious. You need to think about how you feel about this entire thing, if not for me or Jisung, then for yourself... And I mean that." He said.


"And no, I'm not going to stay in my room like I did all weekend, but that doesn't mean that we're on the greatest terms." Seungmin said grabbing his water bottle and walked past Minho who had to think about everything Seungmin had just said to him.


"He let me keep it!" Jeongin said excitedly as soon as Felix answered the facetime. 

"Really?!" Felix asked just as excited.

"I mean there was a...condition but I wanted to keep it so.." Jeongin shrugged.

"Glad my hard work hasn't gone to work!" Felix said proudly and got a flick on the back of his head, "Ow!" He pouted at Changbin.


"Yes foxy?" 

"Have you heard form Jisung hyung? He's been a little too quiet.."

"If I were him I'd want to stay quiet too, do you not remember what's going on?" Felix sassed.

"Hyung! I'm being serious...I'm a little worried.." Jeongin said propping up the camera on the kitchen.

"Okay well...if you're so worried.." Felix sighed, "We'll go see him." He shrugged. He then saw Jeongin take out a bunch of random snacks. "What are you doing child?"

"I'm banned form the kitchen for a while...again. So I'm going to make a trail mix!" Jeongin smiled proudly.



"Are those gummy worms and Reese's cereal..?" Felix as with a slightly disgusted face and Changbin peeked over to see what Jeongin was doing.

"Yeah! I really like the two so I thought, 'why not mix the two together!'. Genius right?" Jeongin asked still holding his smile.

"And Chan would be okay with the fact that your not only, not eating real food but you're having a bunch of sugar?" Changbin asked.

"Well Channie isn't hear right now and I'm hungry!" Jeongin pouted.

"You do you kid..." Changbin sighed and got out of their conversation.

"Anyways, I'll meet you at Jisung's later okay?" Felix said.

"Actually...can you pick me up hyung?" Jeongin asked.

"Why what's wrong?" 

"Nothing, I just don't feel like driving." Jeongin smiled 'innocently'.

"Lazy fox." Felix shook his head with a smile, "Tell me when I should come get you, okay?" 

"Okay! Talk to you later hyung!"

"Later Innie! Love you~" 

"In like a non-romantic way right? Because if so than, love you too hyung!" Jeongin said making Felix giggle before hanging up 

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