Missing Ring

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Was that photo taken by me? Yes, yes it was 😘

Anyways this is a chapter to show you what happened when Seungmin went to go find his ring at the restaurant.

"Hello!" A lady greeted. "Table for one?" She asked.

"Oh.. umm. I'm actually looking for something." Seungmin said. 

"Oh sure! How can I help?" She smiled.

"I was wondering if you've seen a gold ring, I lost it in the bathroom at this restaurant." Seungmin explained. 

"Oh! Uhh... I don't think so..." she said thinking. "Can you tell me more about it? Maybe I can ask one of the other employees." 

"Sure! It has a little diamond on it and... Oh! With the initials K. SM engraved on it." He explained in detail to her.

"Oh yeah.. I'm sorry I haven't seen it." She apologized, but someone walked by behind her "Hey Liv!" 

"What's up?" The girl walked up.

"Have you seen a gold ring anywhere? It has a small diamond?" She asked turning her head to Seungmin to confirm if that was correct— and he nodded. "And it has—"

"Letter's engraved?" Liv completed the sentence. 

"You've seen it?" Seungmin asked excitedly.

"Yeah, but someone else took it. He said it was for their friend." Liv said.

"Do you know his name by any chance?" Seungmin asked with hope. 

"No, I'm sorry." She said "But Beomgyu might." She said and seungmin gave her a confused face. "He works here, he cleans the bathroom most of the time—he was actually the one that told me about it." 

"Great! Can I ask him?" Seungmin asked.

"Sure I'll get him for you!" Live said walking away. 

"Thank you so much." Seungmin said, thanking the other girl. 

"No problem!" She smiled. 

It took a while before Liv came out dragging a boy in from the back of his collar. 

"Let me go! I'll report you Liv!" The boy shouted, and Seungmin assumed that it was the boy named Beomgyu.

"Shut up~." Liv rolled her eyes. "Here he is. Sorry for the wait, he'll answer all your questions." 

"How can you volunteer me for something that I didn't agree to, chicken feet!" The boy shouted at her but received a smack on the back of his head.

"Don't be stupid, and just help the poor boy find his ring." Liv rolled her eyes again. "Here you guys can sit here and talk, let me know if he causes any trouble." She said glaring at Beomgyu—who glared right back at her.

"So.." Seungmin started. 

"I know nothing! And you will not make me tell you something I don't know!" The boy suddenly said getting defensive.

"Huh..?" Seungmin said confused 

Beomgyu leaned closer across the table, "Come here.." he said motions Seungmin to lean in like he was. Seungmin was a bit skeptical about it since last time he got told you come closer—he got flicked on his "big forehead". But he did it anyway. 

"I'm going to be honest I do know something. But I can't say it out loud because he's watching." Beomgyu whispered.

"Who's watching?" Seungmin asked, about to look around but beomgyu stopped him. 

"Don't look around idiot! He'll see you!" Beomgyu whisper yelled and Seungmin gave his a weird look. "I know I might seem crazy but he's really watching." Then he pointed at something behind Seungmin. "Through those." 

Seungmin was going to turn around but Beomgyu stopped him again which made him roll his eyes. 

"Don't look! But they're cameras. He told me that if I told anyone about it he would get me fired." He pouted. "And I just got rehired into this job! Do you know how hard that was? I didn't mean to set the fridge on fire." 

Seungmin gave him another weird look. Then sighed. "So what do you know?" He asked.

"I don't know his name but he was very pretty-" then Beomgyu paused, "You didn't hear that from me though. Taehyun would kill me if he heard me say that." Seungmin just nodded. "Anyways he was pretty, and he was tall. He said that he left something in the bathroom from a group gathering and needed to get it really quick. So I asked him what it was and he said a ring!" Beomgyu explained. "Which to me it seems like fate because I had just found a ring on the bathroom floor so I gave it to him!" Beomgyu smiled. 

"You just... handed it to him?" Seungmin asked. 

"Yeah! Why?" 

"You didn't double check to see if it was actually his?" Seungmin asked sounding annoyed.

"Nope." Beomgyu plainly said. 

"Okay... continue." Seungmin sighed.

"Okay then I asked him who it was for, and he said a friend. I told him that this "friend" must be very special to get them a ring like that but he said he didn't get it for them. Which made me confused." Beomgyu huffed. "I really thought it was going to be a romantic story like one of tho—" 

Seungmin cleared his throat to get Beomgyu back on topic. 

"Oh! Right sorry!" He apologized. "So then he told me not to tell anyone about it, which was really suspicious to me so I asked him why! And then he just glared at me—which was very sexy by the way!" Then he paused again. "Don't tell anyone I said that. Anyways, he glared and told me that if I told anyone he'll get me fired! And that made me scared but then I realized that he couldn't know if I actually told someone, right? So then I told him he can't do that  because he wouldn't even know—I admit that was very stupid because then he told me that he was watching on the cameras!!"

Seungmin sighed.. "So you actually believed him?" He asked in disbelief.

"Mhm! Of course I do! I can't take any chances getting fired again!" Beomgyu said. 

"I— never mind." Seungmin shook his head and sat in the chair properly, as did Beomgyu. "Thanks for the help."

"No problem!" Beomgyu responded with a smile. "I have to get back to work now! Bye~!" He got up and left. 

"Thanks for nothing..." Seungmin mumbled to himself, getting up from the chair ready to leave. 

"I hope you find it!" The girl at the front said. 

"Thanks." Seungmin slightly smiled. 

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