Chapter 46

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Minho's POV

"So what you're telling me is that you haven't told him yet?" 

"It's been like a day... or two Ji. Plus I haven't seen him since that night." I sighed as I sat on the couch.

"Seriously?" Jisung asked on the other line. "Are you avoiding him or something? You've been home for a day now." 

"No. I'm not avoiding him. It's just that when I went home he was already sleeping and when I woke up he wasn't here. And work has been over and he isn't home yet." I explained as I was waiting for Seungmin to get home anxiously.

"Hm. Well maybe it's the other way around... I'll try talking to him if you don't get the chance.." I heard him sigh and shuffle around.

"Okay.." I said, "So what are you doing..?" I asked softly.

"Nothing much...I was actually about to order food b-"

"Hold on Ji, I'll have to call you back. Seungmin's home." I said as I heard a car pull into the driveway.

"Best of luck. Don't fuck it up...please." I heard Jisung say with a bit of desperation in his voice.

"I won't." I said and hung up. As soon as I did I got my ass of the couch and went to the door to wait for Seungmin to get inside. When I heard the keys jingle from the outside of the door. It made my heart race because it was going to be extremely awkward after the few words I'm going to say to him. 

When the door opened it seemed as if he hadn't noticed me yet and was having a very heated war with his shoe... "Fucking...shoe! C'mon! I want to go shower and eat and then sleep goddam- Finally!" He sighed. I have to admit he looked cute, his face was puffed up and his ears were red. You could barley see his eyes as his hair fell on them and on top of his glasses. "Oh, hey..!" I heard him say.

"Hey..." I said in a low but soft tone. We stood there in an awkward silence before he gave me a small smile and walked past me, going up stairs.

This...was going to be hard.

3rd Person POV 

"Seungmin... can we.."

"Talk? Yeah... I think we should.." Seungmin said to Minho as he took off his blazer. "I'm sorry." He said suddenly making Minho confused.

"For what..?" Minho asked.

"For the whole Hyunjin thing... the kiss on the cheek was-"

"It's fine..." Minho said and Seungmin gave him a look asking if he was sure, "I'm serious..." He assured him.

"Okay...well then what did you want to talk about?" Seungmin asked, not sure what Minho wanted to have a discussion about considering he was 'okay' with the whole kiss on the cheek thing.

Minho walked into Seungmin's room fully and sat on the bed and Seungmin sat right next to him worried about the conversation they were about to have.


"Are you going to the twins' party this year?" 



"That one is really cute!" Jeongin said pointing at the adorable bear on the TV screen with a big smile.

"It is. But not as cute as you~" Felix said.

"Hyung~" Jeongin laughed as Felix pinched his cheeks  and hugged him.

"Get. Off." They both heard Changbin say in a demanding voice.

"Changbin hyung! I'm not going to steal him from you." Jeongin rolled his eyes. "Calm down."

"Yeah! Calm down Binnie." Felix pouted. Changbin just huffed and continued his work on his laptop, "Fine! C'mon Innie, help me pick out stuff for the wedding. Let's get away from Mr. Grumpy pants." Felix said grabbing Jeongin's arm and leading him upstairs.

"Keep the door open." Changbin reminded him, and just for petty reasons Felix closed the door loud enough for Changbin to hear. But Changbin wasn't actually worried about it so he just chuckled.

"Hyung!" Jeongin said as Felix was scrolling through pintrest for wedding inspiration. 


"I want the older guys to hang out together! They're all so caught up with work that they don't even speak to each other. If it wasn't for us their friendship would probably be gone." Jeongin pouted.

Felix looked up from his laptop screen and booped Jeongin's nose. "Well why do you suddenly want to do that Innie?" 

"Because Chan's getting old. He doesn't have much time left..." Jeongin said in a sad tone.

Felix looked at him concerned, "What..?" 

It was quiet for a moment and then Jeongin started laughing, "I'm just kidding hyung jeez! You should have seen your face!"

"Ha. ha. Very funny you sly fox." Felix rolled his eyes and laughed.

"But on a serious note, I think the four of them don't really go outside much. Unless it's for work. And their social skills get worse and worse! Channie hyung barley goes to the store with me because people are "staring" at him!"

"Say no more! I'm ready to plan!" Felix said.

"Really?" Jeongin asked excitedly.

"Of course! I can't let Channie hyung get worse! Plus the only person Changbin talks to is me. I love him and all but jeez!" Felix complained.

"OkAy~" Jeongin said as his voice cracked. "Oops.."

"You're so cute!" Felix said and started tickling him.

"HELP! CHANGBIN HYUNG HELP!" Jeongin called out for the only person that could save him but he was only laughing to himself at the two.

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