Chapter 40

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"Shut up." Jisung sighed, "I need you to shut up and listen because I'm only going to say everything once. And Minho if I have to repeat myself..." 

Did Minho ditch his chat with Seungmin to talk to Jisung? Yes. When the whole awkward hangout ended Jisung texted Minho that they needed to talk. Minho already knew what was going to happen. He spent most of his time focusing on the fact that Hyunjin had been hanging around Seungmin for god knows how long, that he forgot that Jisung was also there. He didn't want him to find out about Seungmin in such a setting but it happened anyway, he wanted it to happen in a more private matter but...

Jisung of course already knew about Seungmin being married to Minho so he wasn't that  mad but he had been waiting for the right moment to confront him about it. If anything he should be thanking Chan for bringing the whole thing up.

"How long was it going to be before you told me yourself?" Jisung asked.

Minho took a while before answering, "Huh..?"

"Minho I'm not fucking around." Jisung said.

"I... I don't know... I was going to tell you I swear but.." 

"But what? You wanted to wait until me and Seungmin created a great bond? You wanted to wait until we were bestfriends?" Jisung scoffed, "What was going to happen if we did create a bond Minho? And then he invited me to his house and I saw, I don't fucking know, pictures of you two?" Jisung walked towards Minho and slightly pushed him over an over, "I love you Minho more than anything and you know that. Seungmin loves you too, but yet you hurt him to this extent?"

"Seriously?" Minho scoffed "hurt him? Jisung you suggest-"

"And you should have said something!" Jisung shouted and sat on the living room couch, "We can't be together until you tell him Minho."


"Not just tell him... he has to be okay with it." Jisung said.


"HOLY SHIT!!" Lin said with her eyes widen in shock. 

Seungmin had told her everything that had been happening for the past for weeks, possibly months. It feel great to finally tell someone about the whole thing after having to keep it to himself the entire time. Sure it's crazy to tell someone who you only know through work but Lin isn't that type of person, she could walk past someone who tripped and fell on their face. She gives zero fucks about spreading things.

"So you and Mr. Han- sorry. You and Hyunjin and dating?" Lin asked.

Seungmin took a moment to think about it. They never really established a title for... whatever was going on between them. "I don't think so... we never really talked about that before.." Seungmin said while hugging his pillow.

"Well it sounds like he likes you," Lin shrugged, "Sounds like you like him too." Seungmin gave her a look, "What? Do you not like him? It'd be weird if you didn't and you just let him hug you and stuff."

"Okay~" Seungmin said.

"Well if you do like him then you should let him know, otherwise he'd move on and you'd be here sulking." Lin said, "And it's allowed, considering you piece of shit husband said you can date anyone." she added on while rolling her eyes.

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