Chapter 72

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"You're here!" Hyunjin said happily as he opened his front door to see Seungmin standing there.

"Indeed I am." Seungmin sighed making Hyunjin frown.

"Why don't you seem happy to be here?" Hyunjin asked with a huff as he left Seungmin into his house.

"I'm happy to be here, I'm just not exactly excited to watch the movie..." Seungmin explained.

"Oh because you 'Watched it already'?" Hyunjin asked sarcastically, "I'm still not buying it, and even if I was I heard that a lot of people liked it so I thought why don't watch it with my lovely adorable, admirable, Seungminnie." Hyunjin said with a smile.

"Sure sure whatever. Let's just watch the movie." Seungmin said taking off his hoodie, "And before we watch it, let's make it clear that I warned you about this movie before hand okay?" 

"Okay?" Hyunjin said confused but shook it off, "I'll go get the snacks, you can wait in the room!"

"Alrighty." Seungmin said walking down a certain hall to Hyunjin's room, he pulled out his phone to check on how Beomgyu was doing with his outfit situation when he noticed how low his phone battery was. "Shit, how am I on 4%.." Seungmin scolded himself. "Hyunjin!" He called out.

"Yes?~" Hyunjin answered.

"Where's your phone charger? It's not in it's spot.." Seungmin said looking at the side that Hyunjin slept on but not finding the charger.

"It's somewhere in there!" Hyunjin yelled out.

"Kay....uhm.." Seungmin said while searching the bedside table, he pulled out the draws one by one only finding random stuff in each one, "Does he ever organize his shit?" Seungmin asked himself while shaking his head. He was about to close the drawer when something caught his eye. 

Okay let's take a moment here, Seungmin isn't nosy he's just curious. Plus the item looked really pretty and he thought there was no harm in taking a look right? 

Seungmin picked up the circler object and took a look at it, "This is pretty." He smiled, "I wonder where he got it from." He said to himself while examining the object, "Hey Hyunjin?" He called out.

"Yeah?" Hyunjin answered back.

"Where did you g..." Seungmin paused upon seeing something on the object he was holding, "KSM?" He questioned with his eyebrows knitted together. This object suddenly looked familiar but it couldn't be right? Seungmin pulled out his dying phone once more to open his photo gallery. Upon opening the app he looked for a certain image that could confirm what he was seeing... "Holy shit.."

"Minnie?" Hyunjin called out, "Did you find the charger?" He asked.

Seungmin who was still staring at his phone screen, switching his view to the object in his hand, "No...Not yet..." Seungmin yelled back hesitantly. Why did Hyunjin have his wedding ring that he had been looking for...for months?


"Gyu." Taehyun whined, "Hurry up! We're going to be late." He pouted.

"Don't rush him." Hueningkai said, lightly slapping Taehyun's shoulder.

"Don't hit me you infant!" Taehyun argued.

"Don't hit me you infant." Hueningkai mocked.


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