Chapter 1

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This book is a work of fiction. This is a product of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be construed as real.

Brooklyn, NY


"What college are you going to?" My friend Riley asked. We were sitting at the lunch table, only two days until high school was over. I'm ready to leave this hell hole for good. High school has been some of the worst years of my life.

"Georgia State"

"She needs to be worried about not breaking the stage when she walks across it saturday" A girl at the next table commented earning a few laughs from the people around her

"Shut the fuck up" Riley stood up "Come on, Lets go" She grabbed my hand

Its no secret that I'm a big girl. I've always been bigger than kids my age. I used to cut myself but I stopped a long time ago. Now I just starve myself. If I do eat anything its little portions.

My mom always told me to "Ignore them. Words can't hurt you. You are beautiful". But in reality, its the words that hurt the most. The name calling and constant weight jokes. I can't ignore it, its all I ever hear and it hurts.

Riley is my only friend. We've been friends since middle school. She's like my backbone. She says the things that I wont.

"Laureeeen" Riley waved her hand in my face


"Stop daydreaming girl. I said I'ma come by later. I'ma go pick my brother up from school."

"Ok. See you later" I gave her a hug and walked to my car.

I got in and pulled out of the parking lot and drove home. No need in going to the rest of my classes. We don't do anything anyway.

Riley pulled up to my house about 20 minutes after I did. My mom isn't here. She's gone on a 'business trip'. She's rarely ever home anymore. Work takes up majority of her time. I'm always home by myself since my dad is no longer in the picture.

"You want something to drink or eat?" I asked Riley as I came from the kitchen with a bottle of water

"Nah, I'm good."

I walked over and sat beside her. "You decided on a college yet?"

"Nope. I probably won't go right away. I need a break from school"

I nodded, focusing my attention to the tv. I'm ready to get away from New York. I hate it here. I've been bullied since grade school. I've experience every prank there is.

"Why don't you dress like this for school?" Riley said, referring to my shorts and tank top I had on.

I shrugged "Don't want the unwanted attention. They talk about me enough as it is."

"Fuck them bitches" Riley scoffed

I couldn't help but laugh. "You are so crazy"

"I'm forreal Lauren. They don't run shit or scare nobody."

"Well I'll be leaving soon so I don't have to worry about them no more."

Riley sighed and we continued to watch TV.


Today is the day of graduation. I'm nervous and excited at the same time. I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I took a shower and brushed my teeth before getting dressed. I grabbed my cap and gown out of the closet and laid it on my bed so I wouldn't forget it. I curled my hair and put my shoes on.

I placed my cap and gown on the backseat of my car. I got in on the drivers side and drove to my school. I walked into the building and waited in my place in line. I spotted Riley and waved at her. The line began to move and one by one everyone walked into the auditorium.

I watched as different students walked across the stage. One guy tripped as he walked up the steps. God, I hope that doesn't happen to me. I nervously bit my lip.

"Lauren Smith" The lady on stage called

I let out a quick breath and made my way onto the stage, carefully. I smiled and shook the principal's hand and took my diploma. I walked off the opposite end of the stage and went back to my seat until it was over.

"We are officially high school graduates!" Riley hugged me tightly

We had just left out of the auditorium where our graduation ceremony was. I'm so proud of both Riley and myself.

"We have to celebrate" Riley jumped around and pulled me through the parking lot.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise. Follow me."

I got into my car and followed her to her house. We went inside and up to her bedroom. Riley went straight to her closet, looking through clothes. I sat on her bed and pulled my shoes off.

"Here, put this on." She threw something black at me

I held it up and it was a dress......a short dress at that.

"Hell no." I threw it onto the bed and crossed my arms "I'm not wearing that."

"Come on, please."


Feeling self-conscious, I kept pulling the dress down as I walked. Riley talked me into wearing it. She even got me to wear heels with it. We were at some type of house party.

"Riley!" I semi-yelled "Stop walking so fast!"

I caught up to her and we both walked into the house. Everyone was dancing and the music was loud. Walking through the crowd, I felt eyes on me. Several guys were hungrily staring at me. I cringed from the unwanted attention.

"Where you going with all that ass?" Someone grabbed my arm

"Excuse me?" I turned around to face whoever this guy was

He laughed "Chill baby, I was joking"

"Ha, Ha" I sarcastically laughed and rolled my eyes, walking away

"Well fuck you too. I was just trying to be nice to your fat ass."

I ignored him and went to find Riley. I found her upstairs, she was all over some guy.

"I'm leaving" I yelled over the music

"Why? We just got here." She came over to me

"I don't want to be here. Have fun." I slightly smiled and made my way out of the house. I waited for the uber that I called to get here.

I walked into my house and kicked my heels off. I decided to pack up my things since I didnt have anything else to do.

I connected my phone to my bluetooth speaker and had a party by myself, which was fine with me. I sang my favorite songs and danced around the room. I could never have this much confidence in front of anyone else.

It was around 3 am when I finished packing everything. I turned the lights out and got into bed. I'm ready to start the new chapter of my life in Georgia. Hopefully its better than New York.

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