Chapter 9

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His hands travelled down my body as the kiss continued.

He pulled away and stared at me. I blushed and held my head down. He softly placed his finger under my chin, bringing my head back up.

"Hold your head high. You're beautiful."

I smiled and leaned up and pecked his lips.

"Are you and that dude dating?"

I smirked and crossed my arms. "Why?"

"Because you're mine." He pulled me close.

"When did that happen?"

"Just now."

"Are you sure you're ready for that?" I raised an eyebrow

"What do you mean?"

I sighed and removed his hands from around me. "You barely even talk to me at school. You don't even acknowledge me when you're around your friends."

"Ok. Why do my friends have to know anything? We can keep it lowkey."

"So you basically want to hide me?"

"When you say it like that, it sounds harsh. Just think of it as me keeping you all to myself. And besides, it's our relationship anyway, no one needs to be in our business."

I shook my head. "I don't know."

He sighed. "Ok, we'll take things slow. Just know that I want you, Lauren. Seriously."

"I hear you, Chris."

"It's late. I'll see you in class tomorrow." He kissed my cheek before leaving.


I don't even know how to feel right now. I went from having literally no one but Riley to having two extremely fine guys talking to me. It feels like a dream. Am I being punk'd?

I chuckled at my thoughts and walked to the bathroom to get ready for class. I brushed my teeth and slipped on my clothes.

I grabbed my bag and walked to the elevator. I walked out the building and to campus.

"Hey girl!" Someone yelled as I walked across the street.

I looked around and spotted the girl I helped before. Ashley?

I smiled and waved as I walked to the art building. She came over and walked beside me. We talked until I reached my class and we exchaged numbers. I found out that her name was Amber. I was close.

I walked into class and sat down. Everyone's projects were displayed around the room. And not to be rude, but they were a little basic.

"Hello class." Dr. B. walked into the room. "All the projects came together nicely but there was one that caught my eye. I'm glad I put these two together." She laughed and began walking around the room.

My eyes followed her and she stopped in front of me and Chris' project.

"This is the perfect example of what I wanted to see. You can tell two different artists worked on this project. The realistic people combined with abstract spray painting. I love it."  She admired the painting before walking back to the front of the class.

Chris sat beside me during class today. I thought it was sweet. And we got an A on our project.

Walking out of class, I walked down the crowded hall and out of the building.

"Hey beautiful." Jayceon's raspy voice came from behind me.

I turned around. "Hey." I smiled

"Come sit with me. You always go straight home." He grabbed my hand

We sat at a table on campus. I looked at the different people that passed by.

"You look nice today."

"Thank you. So do you. You don't have practice today?"

"Nah. Not today baby girl. I'm free all day. You should come with me. We can grab some food."

"I don't know." I nervously chewed my lip

"What's the harm in spending time with a friend." He leaned in.

As Jayceon was leaning towards me, I noticed Chris off in the distance. I smiled but it quickly faded when I noticed he was flirting with another girl.

"Whats wrong?" Jayceon grabbed my hand.

I directed my attention back to him. "It's nothing. Where did you want to eat?"


"Thanks. I had a good time." I smiled as I walked to my apartment.

"Anytime. Before you go in, let me talk to you."

I turned around and looked up at him.

"I can tell you feel ol dude from your art class. Its cool though baby girl. Friend or boyfriend, I'ma always be here. Remember that." He kissed my forehead

I smiled as I watched him walk into the elevator. I went inside my apartment and dropped my bag by the door.

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