Chapter 10

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My phone lit up and I swiped across the screen to unlock it and went to my messages.

Riley (8:31 PM): I'll be there Friday!

Me (8:33 PM): See you soon.

I completely forgot that she was supposed to be visiting. I'm not even in the mood for anyone to come. But I do miss my best friend. 

I walked into my bedroom to find Chris asleep. All of his stuff was everywhere. I stood there and shook my head. He must think he is at his place or something.

 He must think he is at his place or something

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"Chris" I tapped him but he didn't move.

I sighed and tapped him again. He moved a little before going back to sleep. I walked around to the other side of the bed and smacked his ass. He quickly flipped over.

"What you doing?" He looked at me

"Trying to wake you up."

"Don't do that."

"Whatever" I folded my arms "I thought we were going out to dinner tonight."

"I know but I thought it would be better if we just chilled here for tonight."

"We always chill here."

"So..." He sat up. "What's wrong with that?"

"What's wrong with that? I don't want to be stuck up in an apartment 24/7."

"We'll go out next time. I promise. I just don't feel like going anywhere tonight baby."

"Fine." I sat next to him.

He laid across the bed and watched TV. My eyes roamed his body. I studied every tattoo on him before focusing on his face. He's so cute. I watched every facial expression he made from frowning to an occasional quiet laugh. I love everything about him. I love the fact that he's here but I also know that I'm not someone he wants to be seen with. I'm not crazy, that's the reason why he doesn't want to go out tonight. I can't blame him though. I don't even want to see myself. 

"Babe, can you order me some pizza? You know how I like it." Chris asked, never taking his eyes off the TV.

I grabbed my phone and went to Pizza Hut's website. I placed an order for pizza and wings. I walked into the kitchen and looked through the fridge. 

"Guess I'm eating salad." I grabbed everything I needed and sat it on the counter.

By the time I finished making my salad, Chris's food was here. I paid for it and took it to the kitchen.

"Chris! Your food is here!" I yelled as I sat at the table with my salad. A few moments later I could hear him walking down the hall. He grabbed 4 slices of pizza and all of the wings and sat down.

"You don't want any pizza?" He sat across from me.

I shook my head "No thanks."

"Come on. You always eating salad and shit. I like you the way you are."

"Ok Chris." I rolled my eyes and continued to eat.

He shrugged and hungrily ate his pizza.


I leaned against my car waiting for Riley to walk out of the airport. Her flight just landed so she should be out soon. I spotted her and waved her over. She ran over and we hugged each other. 

"I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too." I replied

 I grabbed her bags and put them in my car. We both got in and I headed back to my apartment.

"So.... Chris is at my place right now."

"Why?" Riley had a look of disgust on her face

I laughed "He's been staying there for the past couple of nights. Just be nice."

"I can't make any promises."

"Come on Riley." I whined

She sigh. "Fine. I'll be nice."

I smiled and continued to drive.

The drive wasn't bad and  we had arrived back at my place in no time. I parked and we headed inside.

Stepping out of the elevator I went to my door and unlocked it. I allowed Rikey to walk in first.

I closed the door and locked it.

"Make yourself at home."

She dropped her bags and walked towards the living room.

"Soooo....where is the fuck boy at?" She peeped down the hall.


"Ok I'll stop."

"You hungry?"


I walked into the kitchen and looked through the fridge for something to eat.

Riley sat on the counter and looked through my cabinets.

"Babe!" Chris yelled

"In the kitchen!"

A few moments later I could hear Chris walking up the hall. 

"Damn." I heard Riley mumbled and I quickly turned around.

Chris stood in the doorway shirtless. 

"You seen my blue shirt?" He asked

I shook my head. "Nah. I haven't seen it."

He nodded and mumbled a "wassup" to Riley before walking out of the kitchen.

"Laureeeen. You ain't tell me he was that fine. I would keep his ass around too."

I laughed "You are crazy."

We both walked into the living room and watched tv as Riley ate. Chris came through and kissed my cheek before leaving. 

About 15 minutes later there was a knock on my door. I sighed and slowly walked over. I unlocked it and Jayceon stood on the other side.

"Hey beautiful." He smiled

"Hey" I blushed "Come in." I stepped aside

"I was wondering what you were doing today. I wanted to take you out."


Both me and Jayceon directed our attention to the living room and Riley stood there.

"Sorry." She quickly walked into the kitchen.

He chuckled a little. "I see you a little busy right now. I'll let you enjoy your company. I'll hit you up later."

I closed the door behind him and when I turned around Riley was right there.

"Who was that?"


"Damn! Is everybody in Atlanta fine?!" 

I laughed and shook my head

"You laughing. I'm serious. I think I need to go to college down here."

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