Chapter 42

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"I do not want to go through this." I sighed

"It's for the best." Jay sat beside me

Lyric walked around the room messing with everything. A tall brown skin woman walked in and sat down.

"Hi, I'm Ashley. I will be your counselor for today. I am a licensed therapist so I work with everyone from patients with mental health issues to family issues." She looked down at her papers as Chris walked in.

He sat on the other side of me and you could tell he had an attitude before this even got started.

Ashley looked up and smiled at Chris. "Christopher? How have you been?"

I looked between the two and Chris only nodded.

"I can feel the tension already. Who wants to start?" She looked at all of us. "Nobody?" She nodded "I'll ask questions then."

"What brings you here today?"

"Well, I want to adopt Lauren's child and when We got to court, he lied about everything so here we are."

"You need to shut the fuck up." Chris mumbled but only I heard him

"Ok. And Chris? How do you feel about that?"

He shrugged his shoulders

"What did we talk about before? Express yourself." She looked at Chris

"Hold on. I'm sorry for interrupting but you two know each other?"

"Yes, I was Christopher's therapist for about 2 years and then he stopping coming."

"Yea I stopped because you made it seem like I'm crazy and I'm not."

"No. I was only here to help."

"Bullshit." He sat up. "You put me in that mental hospital feeding me pills like I was a test subject!"

"This is not what this session is about. We need to stay on topic."

"Right. You got about 20 minutes before I walk out."

"How do you feel about Lauren's boyfriend?"

He remained silent but clenched his jaw

Ashley nodded. "Jayceon, can you take the baby and step out for a moment?"

Jay got up and took Lyric with him.

"This has nothing to do with him does it? It's all about her." She pointed to me as she spoke to Chris.

"Fuck her." He snapped

"Lauren can you step out?"

I nodded and left the room.

"What was that?" Jay asked

"I have no idea. That shit went all the way left."


"What's going on with you?"


"It's something. You were mad before we even started."

"Because I don't want to be here."

"Have you been taking your medicine?"

"Nope." I sat back

"Why not."

"Because I don't need it."

"Yes you do. Does Lauren know about your past? And your medicine?"

"No. I never tell anybody. It's not their business about what I take or the reason I take it."

"Why are you so upset."

"I thought this was supposed to be a family session. Why am I the only one in here?"

"Because I need to get to the root of your issue with this situation."

"Why? She just another girl and I got plenty. Aint shit special about her."

"And who's saying that? Christopher? Or is that what the voices are telling you?"

"They told me. They told me that she doesn't want to be around me because I'm crazy. I'm not crazy. She thinks I'm crazy but I'm not. And then she laughs about it in my face by being with her boyfriend like a happy family."

"Do you care about her?"

"Yea I do."

"Do you love her?"

"I don't know."

"I feel like you do and since that's new for you, you don't know how express it without being overly possessive. I'm going to bring Lauren back in." She got up.


"Can you come back in?" Ashley came to the door.

I followed her back in and sat down.

"So it has been brought to my attention that you don't know important details about Christopher."

I looked at him then back at her

"He has been on medication to keep his mental health on track. I'm not going to disclose his exact diagnosis. He can do that if he chooses but he hasn't been taking his medicine which is the cause of his actions. How was your relationship with him?"

"When it was good, it was great. But when it was bad, it was horrible."

"Again, how is any of this related to family counseling? Cause I'm about to walk out."

"If you are trying to have your daughter in your life, you have to get along with her mother."

"Why have you never told me about any of this?" I looked at him

He shrugged again

"I wouldn't have judged you or anything. We all have our own issues." I grabbed his hand

He rubbed his thumb across my hand as he looked at me. He looked down as his finger ran over my ring and snatched his hand away.

"I know what you tryna do. You trying to butter me up so I can sign them papers quicker. You trying to play me."

"I'm not. I'm genuinely worried about you right now."

"Whatever. You wasn't worried when you were with your boyfriend."

Ashley wrote something down. "So we obviously have more issues than you thought here. You're going to need more than two sessions for this."

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