Chapter 19

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Before this chapter even begins, look at this new cover 😩 I am in love with it 😍 If you ever need a cover made hit up @phuckwitcbreezy on instagram. 📲 Extremely talented individual. You won't be disappointed.

-Shardae 💋


8:45 PM

I sat on the couch eating ice cream with Riley as we watched a movie on Netflix. Chris came by at 7:45 but I didn't even answer the door. He's been blowing my phone up ever since. I just can't deal with that toxic relationship anymore. I'd rather be alone than get treated like shit just to say I have a man.

"You ok?" Riley pulled me from my thoughts.

"Yea." I faintly smiled.

"What did you want to see next?" She scrolled through the list of movies.

"Uhhhh...." I looked at the covers. "Honey Trap looks interesting. Let's watch that."

"Cool." She clicked play and the movie began.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed some chips and other snacks.

"What's gotten into you? You never used to eat like this. Makes me think you're pregnant or something."

I blankly stared at her. "Just stressed."

"Are you?" She looked down at my stomach then back at my face.

" Of course not."

"When was your last period?" She folded her arms

"See about that...You know I have irregular periods anyway."

"Oh no ma'am. Get up. Let's go."

"What? To where?"

"To the store to get a pregnancy test."

"Riley, that's dumb. I know I'm not pregnant."

"You don't know that. Why not be 100% sure? I'll just go get it myself. You don't even have to go." She walked into the other room

I sighed loudly. "You're wasting your time!"

"Yea yea, whatever" She came back into the living room and slipped her feet into her slides. "I will be back my darling."

We both laughed and she left out of the apartment.

I scrolled through my instagram page and liked a few pictures. "I wish I looked like this" I mumbled to myself as I looked at a girl's instagram pictures. She was extremely pretty. Small waist, nice boobs, big ass, everything guys want in a female. How am I supposed to compete with females like that? I shook my head and went back to my timeline.

A message from Chris appeared at the top of my phone.

10:21 - So you're ignoring me now?

I dont have time for this - 10:21

10:22 - That's not what I asked. You didn't show up for dinner, didn't answer the door. what the fuck?!

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