Chapter 37

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I sat in the car and watched as people left the college campus. It seemed like Jay was taking forever. After another 15 minutes, I finally saw him walking from the building.

"Took you long enough."

"My professor was tripping." He shook his head. "How was your day though?" He leaned over and kissed my cheek

"It was good."

"I know this is off subject but I want to adopt Lyric."

"Chris has to sign over his rights for that. And I highly doubt he's going to do that."

"Don't worry about all of that. I just need your permission to go ahead and do what I have to do."

"Go ahead. You're already her daddy anyway."

"I'm yours too." He smirked and bit his lip

"Stop being nasty." I laughed

I pulled into the mall parking lot and searched for a park.

"You ready for this?" I looked over at him


"I hope you know that you're holding her while they do it."

We both got out and I carried her into the mall. We went straight to Claire's. I had papers to sign so Jay held Lyric.

They did her left ear first and it didn't phase her. Her little lip poked out but that about it. When they did the right ear thats when she cried. Jay quickly turned her around to face him. She calmed down as he bounced her around.

"You look so pretty." He talked to her.

She laid her head on his shoulder and he rubbed her back.

"You ready to go?" He looked at me.

I nodded and we left. We walked to my car only to find Chris standing there.

"I had a feeling this was your car."

"What is it Chris?"

"Put her in the car." Jay handed Lyric to me.

"Hold on." Chris stepped in front of me. "You got that nigga around my child? What the fuck Lauren."

"Look, you need to watch your mouth. You haven't seen her since we were in the hospital. Don't worry about who I have around her."

"So you really want to take it there?" He stepped to Jay. "You disrespectful nigga. How the fuck are you going to have the nerve to be around my child."

Jay laughed. "Your child? Yea ok. Who was there when she got her first shots? I was. Who saw her first steps? Heard her first words? I did. You have no right to say shit."

Chris stood there for a moment.

"You know, I gave you plenty of chances to leave

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"You know, I gave you plenty of chances to leave. But you didn't. So I guess I'ma just have to force you to leave. The next time I catch you around them, it's over for you."

"You aint going to do shit." Jay scoffed

"Baby stop." I grabbed Jay's arm

"Nah, let me finish." He looked at me. "You think you can control shit and when you can't you throw a fucking temper tantrum like a 3 year old. New flash nigga, I been here and I'm not going nowhere. You're little threats don't scare me. You want to try some shit? We can do that. I can hold my own like a man. I been there for that child since the beginning. As far as she knows, I am her father. And as soon as I get the proper paperwork, I'll legally be her father."

Chris laughed loudly. "That won't happen. I'm not signing shit."

"You don't have to." Jay smiled. "It's ways to get around that. I've done my research."

"Man, get the fuck outta my face." Chris walked towards me. "Can I see my daughter."

I turned Lyric towards him and she tightly grabbed my shirt. Chris took her from me and she began to scream and kick her legs.

"Ma!" He reached for me

"She right there. Daddy just want to see you." Chris tried to talk to her

"Dada!" She screamed and reached for Jay. Nearly jumping out of Chris' arms.

"I'm your daddy." Chris held her up

She repeatedly shook her head no while still crying and kicking.

"Watch out." Jay walked over and grabbed Lyric. She held onto him tightly and her crying calmed down. He wiped the tears off her face.

"I can't believe you get her thinking that nigga is her daddy." Chris looked at me

"He is! He's been there through it all. Where were you? Busy? She's almost one and now you want to come around. Of course she's going to act like that. You haven't tried to see her or nothing so don't come around now questioning me. You text me saying you're coming by and never show up. What kind of shit is that? Your priorities are all fucked up."

"Ok. Yea I haven't been around but that doesn't give him the right to be there either. She's calling him daddy and thats not right!"

"He is her father! Do you know how you sound right now? You're basically saying you would rather have her grow up without a father at all than to have Jayceon there. Look, i'm not about to argue with you. We have to go."

"That's fine. I'll see ya'll in court then."

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