Chapter 26

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I stepped out of the shower and dried off. I stood in front of the mirror for the longest time. My Doctor's appointment is today and I'm not ready at all.

I grabbed some black leggings and a hoodie to wear. I slipped my feet into my nike slides and grabbed my keys as I exited my room.

"Let's go!"

"Coming!" Riley yelled

I locked the door behind us and walked to my car.

"You ready?" Riley commented

"Nope. Not at all." I pulled out of the parking lot and began driving.

The closer I got, the urge to vomit got stronger and stronger. I parked my car and cut it off. I watched as a pregnant woman waddled in. That could possibly be me.

"I can't do this." I walked towards the building.

"Listen. I'm here for you but you have to know."

I checked in and sat in the waiting area. I couldn't stop shaking.

"Relax." Riley grabbed my leg

I half smiled and looked at the tv.

12 minutes later

"Lauren Smith" the nurse called.

I followed behind the nurse with Riley right behind me. I entered the room and sat on the table.

"So what brings you in?"

"Uhm." I swallowed hard "I'm here for a pregnancy test."

"Have you taken any home tests?"

I nodded. "One was positive and the other was negative."

"I see. So we're going to have to do a blood test so we can be 100 percent sure." She wrote something down. "Last period?"

"I'm not sure. My cycle is irregular."

"Alright. Thats ok. Has it always been irregular?"

"Yes." I nodded

"Ok." She paused as she wrote. "There is a possibility that this is just a chemical pregnancy. Seeing that you have irregular periods and the home tests weren't clear. But we're here to clear the confusion. The phlebotomist will be right in to take your blood and we'll go from there." She stood up and left the room.

It seemed like I sat there for hours and hours. The phlebotomist finally came in and drew my blood. I had to wait once again so the test could be done.

"You look like you're about to pass out."

"That's because I am. I'm extremely nervous. What if I am pregnant? Jay is definitely going to leave me."

"Just calm down. Everything will be ok."

"Riley please. Cut the shit. Everything is not ok. I'm sitting here waiting for a pregnancy test to find out if I'm potentially pregnant by a nigga I had no intentions on being with. This shit is not ok."

"Shit happens. It's not like you didn't know he wasn't shit." She shrugged

The doctor walked in and shut the door before sitting down. She looked through the papers she had before looking up at me.

"So the test came back and it was positive."

My head dropped and I sighed. "What are my next steps? Get an ultrasound?"

"Yes ma'am. We're going to get the room ready and take you back there in a second."

The room seemed like it was closing in on me. I couldn't hear anything but loud ringing in my ears. I couldn't catch my breath and everything was blurry due to the tears that formed and quickly ran down my face.

"Calm down. Take a deep breath." The doctor stood beside me and placed an oxygen mask over my mouth and nose.

My breathing returned to normal but the tears never stopped.

"I know these things can be unexpected but you have to calm down. You're going to make yourself sick."

"I don't want it!" I blurted out

"Your emotions are all over the place but I will be sure to give you brochures about other options that you have."

I nodded.

"Listen, since you're upset, I'm going to reschedule your ultrasound to next week. That will give you time to pull yourself together and possibly figure out your next step."

"Ok." I mumbled

She handed me all of my papers and left the room.


2 days later

Luckily Jay has been busy lately so he hasn't been back over here. I still talk to him everyday but I haven't told him that I'm pregnant. I honestly don't know if I'm going to keep it.

I walked into Riley's room and sat on her bed.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." She turned her music down and sat across from me. "What's up?"

"Would it be wrong of me to not keep the baby?" I kept my head down

"What you mean? You talking about abortion or adoption?"

"I don't know. I've considered both. Abortion for the simple fact that no one would know, not even Chris. But I couldn't bring myself to do that. As far as adoption, that would be a more logical option. But even with that, I don't think I could carry a child for all those months, go through labor and then give it away."

Riley nodded. "I believe adoption would be the best option. The child would be placed in a good home and you would be blessing someone that may not be able to have children."

"What would you do?"

There was a long pause before she started talking.

"I honestly don't know. I would probably keep it. And I'm not saying that to make you feel bad or anything but that's just what I would do. Regardless of the asshole of a father the baby has. At the end of the day, its my child too. I helped make the child. I couldn't do adoption or get an abortion."

"I'm just scared I guess." A tear ran down my face

"And that's perfectly fine. Who wouldn't be scared?"

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