Chapter 27

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Jay 💜 - You busy?

Not really - Me

Jay 💜 - Good. I'm coming to see you. I miss you

I miss you too. We need to talk anyway. - Me

Jay 💜 - Ah shit. Whats wrong?

I just have something to tell you. I'll see you when you get here - Me

I tossed my phone onto the bed and waited. It didn't take him long to get here. He must've already been on his way.

"Hey Beautiful." He smiled

"Hey." I stepped to the side to let him in.

"You been crying?" He looked into my eyes

I sat on the couch and he sat beside me.

"I told you that you're too beautiful to be cryi-"

"I'm pregnant." I cut him off and the tears began to flow, once again.

"Don't cry." He put his arms around me "Why are you so upset?"

"Why? You're going to leave me. That's why."

He laughed. "And when did I say that?"

I shrugged my shoulders

"At then end of the day, you're still single. And I'm not some immature little boy. I can't lie and say I'm not upset but I'll be alright."

"But you already know how Chris is and you told me yourself that you don't like drama."

"If thats the case, I know how to handle myself. I'll still be here for you though."

"See that's what I mean. I don't want that!"

"I'ma be here for you no matter what. I promised you that. But Im not going to put myself into a situation that's full of drama and you know that. If you don't switch up then neither will I." He kissed my forehead.

"I guess."

"Have you told Chris?"

"No and I honestly don't want to but I have to. I just don't know how."

"I cant help you there. That boy aint right." Jay laughed

"I know it. I don't know what I'ma do."

"Don't stress it. You'll figure it out."

"How did I get so lucky? You're perfect." I laid my head on his shoulder

"Nah, I'm nowhere near perfect babe. You are just seeing a very clear difference between a boy and a man."

My phone began to vibrate on the table. I picked it up and it was my mom calling.

"Hello?" I answered

"Hi sweetie! How are you? How's college?"

"Great mom. Everything is good."

"Good honey. Do me a favor."

"Ok?" I grew confused

"Send me your address. I just landed and I need to put it in the gps."

I nearly dropped the phone.

"Hello? Lauren? You there?"

"I'll text it to you." I hung up "What the hell!" I jumped up

"What happened?" Jay asked

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