Chapter 21

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I woke up to the sound of a shower running. I looked around the room and noticed that I was still at Jay's place. Walking down the hall, I followed the sound of the water. I looked around his bedroom. I stopped at his dresser and picked up a framed picture. The word 'Mom' was on it so I knew it was his mother.

"You're up." I heard Jay's voice from behind me.

I quickly turned around to find him standing there with just a towel around his waist. My mouth fell open slightly as I examined every inch of his body.

"I'm about to head to the gym. I didnt want to leave you here sleep and you woke up to no one here. You're more than welcome to stay here until I get back."

"Could I.....uh...could I go with you?"

"Sure. I would love to have you with me." He smiled "You can't go in that though."

I looked down, noticing that I still had on my dress. "Give me some of your clothes."

"You trying to make me have a heart attack. You? In my clothes? Sheeesh." He laughed.

He tossed me a shirt and pants before he stepped back into the bathroom, allowing me to change.

"Shit." I heard him lowly curse. "Lauren! Can you come get my phone!" He called out

I pulled his shirt over my head and walked into the bathroom. He was putting lotion on and his phone kept vibrating.

"Can you see who is texting me?"

I picked up the phone but it was locked. "Uhhh...." I trailed off


"Huh?" I looked up at him

He chuckled before repeating himself. "2957. Thats my password."

I put the password in and went to his messages. "It's Aaron." I turned the phone so he could read the messages.

"Tell him no practice and I'm chilling with you today."

I typed his reply and sat his phone back on the counter. "Do you have a toothbrush I could use?"

He nodded "Under the sink to the left."

I grabbed the toothbrush and brushed my teeth. Once I was done, he was ready to go. The gym that he goes to is in his apartment building so we didnt have to go far. Thankfully, no one else was in there once we arrived.

Jay jumped right in and began lifting weights. I sat and watched him. I went back and forth with myself debating if I wanted to try it or not. I've never worked out or been to a gym. He went on for about 30 minutes before sitting down.

"Enjoying the show?" He laughed

"Enjoying the show?" He laughed

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"Yes I am." I smirked. "I want to try though."

"Come on." He waved me over

I walked to the weight set and he stood behind me. He held the weights with me and showed me the proper way to lift them.

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