Chapter 23

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I've been staying to myself these past few days. Barely eating. I've only really been out of my apartment once and that was to go to class. Riley checks on me often but I don't even want her around right now. And I know Jayceon has to be mad at me. I haven't talked to him in over 3 days. No returned calls or texts. I didn't even see him on campus the day that I did have class.

"Where are you going?" I sat up

He sighed. "Don't start this shit. I have somewhere to be."

I glanced at the clock on my nightstand. "At 3 AM? Really Chris?"

"I said don't start that shit!" He raised his voice.

I shook my head. "This is the shit I be talking about. I don't know why I keep fucking with you! I got a man thats willing to love every inch of me just the way I am but no, I push everyone away because of your ass! Why cant you just leave me alone? You don't even want me."

"What man? Who the fuck you been talking to?"

"Don't worry about it. Just know he's more of a man than you will ever be."

"Bet. We'll see. Let me catch you out with that nigga. Its a wrap."

"You're so stupid." I scoffed "You don't give a fuck about nobody but yourself and that shit is so foul and fucked up. Going through this shit with you is so motherfucking draining. I would never treat you the way you fucking treat me! I would never do that to you!"

"Whatever you say." He chuckled

"When you leave, don't come back. And I'm not even bullshitting. This shit is over. I'm so sick of you, I don't know what to do. You think everything is a fucking joke. Grow the fuck up."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll see you later." He opened my bedroom door

"No you won't." I walked behind him. "I'm done."

He turned around. "Do you realize how many times you've said you're done? But yet, here we are?" He smirked "You couldn't leave me alone if you tried."

I nodded. "I've said it one time too many. But this shit here? Me and you? Finished. I'm not going to allow a childish ass nigga like you to continue to come around and fuck up my head."

"Right. Like I said, I'll be back later. That'll give you time to come back to your senses." He left out.

I slid down the wall to the floor. I wanted to scream. I'm so tired of him. But I keep allowing him to come back. I have to learn how to have self control.


I looked up to see Riley. "What?"

"I couldn't help but hear you and Chris arguing. Are you ok?"

I simply shook my head. "I'm tired."

"I can tell." She sat beside me. "Listen, you know I'm no therapist or anything but you can't let him continue doing this."

"I know." I sighed

"You say that but you let him come back anyway. I understand that he was the first nigga you fucked but damn girl."

We both laughed

"You know you deserve better. Which brings me to my next point, I spoke to Jayceon."


"Yup." She nodded. "I went down to the college and sat around by the gym all day waiting for him to come by and when he did, I told him what's up."

"Riley." I whined

"Hush. He was worried sick. But when I told him the reason why, oh he was heated. You need to fix this. He really cares about you."

"Why do you always have to be right." I playfully shoved her.

"Cause I wouldn't be Riley if I wasn't."


It took me forever to get ready this morning. I'm not in the mood for class but on top of that I was up until 5 talking to Riley. Everything she said was true. I'm just so weak at times. I've never been in situations like this.

I walked on campus and immediately spotted Jay. I hesitantly walked over and tapped his arm. He glanced over his shoulder before turning around fully.

"Jay...." I nervously played with my fingers. "I'm sorry." I looked up at him

He nodded and walked around me.

"Wait." I grabbed his arm

"Man, watch out." He pulled his arm out of my grasp.

I bit my lip as I felt a tear fall. "I said I'm sorry." My voice cracked

"Yeah, I heard you. You had me worried and shit all over that nigga? No call. No text. Nothing." He shook his head. "Why would you even listen to shit he have to say? You're perfect. I guess that's your type though. Have fun with that. I'm not that type of nigga." He walked away

I walked behind him, pushing the door closed as he tried to open it. "I don't want him. I want you."

"I can't tell."

"I'm being serious."

"So am I. I've told you numerous times that he's fucked up. You've seen the shit with your own eyes. I want you and only you. I don't care who knows it but you don't see that shit."

"I know and I'm sorry but I'm seriously done with him. I can't do it anymore."

He sighed before wiping my tears. "Look, I'ma come by your place after my class so we can get this shit straight. Yea I'm mad but you're still my girl." He kissed my forehead "I'll see you later."


4:24 PM

I opened the door and Jayceon stood there. I stepped to the side allowing him to walk in.

We sat in the living in silence before he finally spoke.

"Look, I'm sorry for snapping on you the way I did."

"It's my fault. I allowed this to happen."

"That is true." He nodded. "But, I can't give up on you that easily. This is just a minor setback. But what I will say is that I don't play these games baby girl. Yeah, you can fuck anybody you want because at the end of the day we aren't together. I'm not tripping off that. But I also can't wait forever."

"I understand."

"I want you and I'm giving you time to find yourself and figure out what your heart wants. And I'll be damned if I just sit here on the sideline and watch as that nigga break your self esteem down. When you with me, I don't give a fuck who's looking. They looking because I have the most beautiful woman on my arm."

"Aww Jay."

He wrapped his arm around me. "I missed yo ass. Don't you do that shit again." He laughed

"I promise I wont."

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