Chapter 41

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I patiently waited for the judge to call our case. It seemed like we've been waiting here forever. Chris walked in and sat across from us with a smile on his face. He's so childish.

The judge finally called us and we walked inside. The judge jumped in right away and began asking questions.

"Mr. Taylor, how long have you been with Ms. Smith?" She asked

"About two years. Maybe a little longer."

The judge nodded and wrote something down. "And I understand that you want to adopt her daughter?"

Jay nodded "Yes ma'am. I've been there since she was born."

"Mr. Brown, what do you have to say about this case?"

"First of all, I love my daughter. I would've been there everyday if I could but unfortunately my child's mother did everything in her power to keep me away so that she could have this perfect life with her boyfriend. She doesn't want me there. And I feel like the reason why she doesn't is because I no longer want to be with her so she's keeping my daughter away from me."

My mouth fell open as I listened to the lies effortlessly roll off his tongue.

"You look a little shocked by his answer, Ms. Smith."


"Would you like to tell me why?"

"Yes. I have messages from him where he stated he would come to see her and never does. I have messages from him from when I was going into labor and wanted him there but he didnt show up until four hours after I had her and when I called him he had an attitude like I was bothering him. I'm not bitter at all. He's more than welcome to see his child. He just chooses not to. Jayceon has been a father to her since she was born. Christopher has done absolutely nothing. Jayceon even had to put her crib together because Christopher still hadn't done it when I asked him two weeks before."

"Ok." She nodded "There's obviously some conflicting emotions here. I do need to see those text messages as well but what I am going to do today is set a motion to continue this case next month and all of you must go to a family counseling. It's only two sessions and then you will come back here. Depending on how that goes, Mr.Taylor may or may not be able to go through with the adoption."

"So the fact that he's never been there means nothing? Everyone knows that he hasn't. He'd rather smoke and do whatever else with his friends than care for his daughter." Jay started to get frustrated. "He's putting on this act like he's tried to be there. We have a mutual friend and I know the type of things he does and a child definitely should not be in that environment."

The judge looked over at Chris. "I'm adding in mandatory drug tests for the both of you, which we will do today. You mentioned that everyone knows that Mr. Brown hasn't been there, who exactly knows?"

"My friend, Riley, for one." I spoke up

"Ok, so bring Riley when you come back. I'll see you all again in a month."

She gave me the counseling dates while Jay and Chris went to do the drug testing. I gave the printed text messages to her before leaving.

"Can you believe this shit." Jay walked out of the building.

"He's a liar. That's what he does best."

"And she believed him. It's not right."

"I know it isn't and she'll see that. Chris is only doing this because he's the one that's mad that I don't want him."

"See you in counseling guys." Chris walked by smiling.

"He didn't pass that drug test so that's already against him."

"How do you know?" I looked up at Jay

"You remember when I said we had a mutual friend?"

I nodded

"We actually do. His name is Mijo. And he told me Chris is on some other shit. I'm not even going to get upset about this outcome. It will work out how it's supposed to in the end."

"I hope so."


I sat and listened as Jay explained to his parents everything that happened.

"I'm going down there with you the next time." His dad shook his head

"It's ok pops." Jay sighed

"Nah son. Im your lawyer and I need to be there. That boy is trying to come inbetween this family and it's not happening. I won't allow it."

My phone vibrated, Chris had sent a text.

Chris- Can't get rid of me that easily baby.

Why are you doing this? You dont even want to be here. - Me

Chris - That judge don't know that. She believed everything I said lmao

You need help. Seriously. - Me

Chris - Yeah, yeah. Everyone says that.

Chris - We could make a deal tho 👀

I sat and looked at his message for a minute. I decided to play along

What? -Me

Chris - We all know that I wasn't there and honestly I kinda don't want to be there. Anyway, all you gotta do is give me the pussy when I want it and we'll be good. I'll sign over my rights and everything. All you gotta do is say yes 😘

I exited out of my messages. I did't even bother responding to his mess. I sat my phone down. He's dumb as hell. He really thinks ima agree to that shit? On top of that he's texting me. I can use that as evidence against him. He doesn't think about the shit he does.

"Baby look at this." I handed Jay my phone

He looked at the messages and started laughing "We gotta print this out. This is all the judge needs to see. How can he be so dumb? Did he not see that you had his other messages? I don't even care. He might as well sign now cause with this, it's over for him."

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