Chapter 11

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"Wassup with you and the fat chick from your class? You hitting that? You like BBWs now my nigga?" Red laughed

"Who you talking about?"

Keeis smacked his lips "Come on man. We seen you walking from your art class with the girl don't play dumb."

"Oh. That ain't nothing. Not my type. We just working on a project together that's all." I laughed

"She's a big one. That's a whole lot of woman right there." Red commented before walking to the bathroom.

"I heard big girls give the best head though. Might need to fuck with her." Keeis laid back in the chair

"Ya'll wilding." I shook my head and walked into the kitchen.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and clicked on the unread message.

Lauren (6:32 PM): Wyd?

Me (6:55 PM): Nothing babe. I'll be there in 30 mins to pick you up

I shoved my phone back into my pocket and walked back into the living room.

"This shit is cool, but I gotta go" I laughed and pointed towards the door.


I pulled on my jeans and slipped on my shoes.

"Where you going?" Riley walked into my bedroom

"Chris is picking me up." I smiled "I don't know where we're going though."

"Ohhh. The fuckboy is finally acting like he has some sense."

I playfully rolled my eyes. "You need to stop calling him that."

"I will when he gets serious. This shit is a game to him Lauren. I know his type."

"Yea. Ok." I waved her off.

I walked into my closet and searched through my shirts. I settled on wearing a simple grey t-shirt.

I stood in front of my bathroom mirror and fixed my eyebrows. I put on some lip gloss and flicked the lights off. I grabbed my phone off of my dresser and walked into the living room.

"He's here. I'll see you when I get back." I spoke to Riley as I walked out of my apartment.

Chris was sitting in his car with his phone in his hand.

"Hey." I smiled as I got in the car.

"Hey babe." He leaned over and kissed my cheek.

I buckled my seat belt and Chris began to drive.

I looked out of the window at the scenery. It seemed like Chris has been driving forever.

"Are we almost there?"

"Stop being impatient." Chris glanced over at me

15 minutes later, we arrived at a small diner. I looked around and there were only 2 other cars in the parking lot.

"What is this place?"

"It's one of my favorites. The food is good." Chris draped his arm around me.

We walked inside and the waitress directed us to a booth. We both ordered a lemonade and she gave us time to order.

"Ready to order?" The waitress sat down our drinks and pulled out a small notepad

"I'll have the chicken strips and fries." I ordered first

"I'll have the double bacon cheese burger with chili cheese fries and a side of buffalo wings" Chris looked up once he was done.

"It will be out shortly" She smiled and walked away.

"I missed you today." Chris bit his bottom lip as he reached across the table and intertwined our fingers

"I missed you too." I blushed

We sat there in a comfortable silence. I reached for my drink and noticed that he was staring at me.

 I reached for my drink and noticed that he was staring at me

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"What?" I smiled

"You're beautiful."

"Thank you."

The waitress walked over and placed our food in front of us and we began to eat.


"That was good." I held Chris' hand as we walked to the car.

"I'm glad you liked it." He reached over and opened the door for me.

We listened to music on our way back to my place.

He parked his car and hopped out, walking around to open my door. He grabbed my hand and walked me inside.

Stepping out of the elevator, we approached my apartment door.

"I had a great time tonight." Chris leaned against the door frame.

"So did I."

He leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. I love the way his lips feel.

"I'll see you in class tomorrow." He smirked

I smiled and unlocked my door, walking inside.

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