Chapter 30

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2 months later

I sat in the living room with my feet on the table. My hands rested on my now round and slightly big stomach. My mom planned a baby shower for me and today is the day. The house was filled with pink decorations everywhere. A few of my family members from New York came down yesterday so they were helping my mom with a few last minute things.

"Lauren! Where you at girl?" A familiar voice called out.

I pushed myself up off of the couch and walked through the house. Riley stood there with Amber beside her. Riley's face lit up once she saw me.

"Best friend!" She ran towards me and pulled me into a hug. "You've gotten so big." She stepped back and looked at my stomach.

"I know." I smiled.

I greeted Amber and guided them both into the living room.

"Everything looks so nice." Amber looked around

"All thanks to my mom."

We sat and talked as people began to arrive. A lot of my family that I haven't seen in a long time showed up.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed some snacks. I grabbed a little bit of everything because it all looked so good to me.

"You ready to open gifts?" My mom walked over to me.

I nodded 'yes' because I had a mouth full of pizza. I walked outside and sat beside Chris. He came to Virginia since college is out for now. His mom lives about an hour away.

I got so many gifts, it seemed like I was opening things forever. I got everything from clothes, shoes, a carseat and stroller. There were several boxes of diapers and wipes which is what I really need. Once I was finished, Chris took everything into the house for me. We have actually been getting along pretty good.

"Go to the store with me real quick. I want some hot fries." Riley sat beside me


The store is less than 2 minutes down the road so we walked instead of driving. We went inside and looked around. I grabbed a few things for myself. I looked around for Riley and Amber.

I could hear Jay's laugh in my head. I looked around but I didn't see anyone. Going to the other aisle, I nearly dropped everything I was holding. There he was. His back was towards me so he didn't know I was standing there.


I could tell he tensed up. He slowly turned around and stared at me.

"What are you doing here?" I wanted to run to him but I couldn't move.

"We have an away game tonight."

"How have you been?"

"Good. Ready to finish my last year."

"That's good. It's nice to hear your voice again."

He sighed. "I'm sorry for not answering you. You just don't understand how you made me feel. I tried so hard to show you I was different but you still pushed me away." One of his teammates called him and he held up a finger. "I gotta go." He walked away.

I watched as he walked out of the store and left. The one person I want the most and it's all my fault that I'm not with him.

"You ready?" Riley placed her items on the counter.

Tears fell from my eyes as I exited the store.

"What's wrong?" Amber came over to me.

"It's all my fault. He doesn't want me and it's my fault. I should have never came here."


I nodded.

"I think he's more upset that you didn't discuss it with him first. You just up and left all of a sudden. He's hurt. I'm sure he would've understood your reasoning had you talked to him before hand. Now I understand that this is all new to you but from what I can see, he's a really great guy. He's been there through everything. He didn't even leave when he found out you were pregnant. Most guys would've dipped, especially since it's not his. But everyone has a breaking point I guess. Only time will tell."

I walked into the house and went straight to my mom's bedroom.

"I think I made a mistake coming here." I sat on her bed

"What do you mean?"

"I haven't spoke to Jayceon since I left. He won't answer my calls or texts. I saw him a few minutes ago and he barely wanted to speak to me. And it's my fault that he feels that way. He showed me so much affection and I ran away from it."

"Do you want to go back?"

"Yes. But that's not going to change anything. I doubt he's going to talk to me then."

"If you want to go back then go. You still have your apartment."

"This is hard."

"Yes it is." She nodded. "But if it's meant to be, it will be."

"I just feel so stupid with all of this back and forth. I should've never left at all."

"You're pregnant. You wanted to be with your mother. It's understandable."

"I just don't think he wants to be with me anymore. I've taken him through the absolute most. I honestly would've left too if the situation was flipped."

She laughed. "You're emotions are all over the place. How about you stay here until the end of the week? That way I can help you take everything back to Atlanta this weekend. You'll be back down there and can possibly mend your relationship."

I agreed and went to my room. Why am I so difficult? I never meant to hurt Jay I just felt like I was too much for him. I'm not used to this relationship shit. I do know that I want him but I think I've pushed him too far away this time.

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