Chapter 31

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I carried my last bag into my apartment. It was mostly baby stuff that I carried in. My mom didn't stay too long because she has another one of her infamous business trips to attend. Im kind of glad I decided to come back, it would've sucked being in Virginia all by myself. Her 'trips' can last for months at a time. Atleast here, I have Riley. Her and Amber painted the baby's room for me before I came, which was nice of them to do.

I texted Chris to see if he could come put the crib together. It took him over 2 hours to respond and he claims he's busy. From how he acted in Virginia, I thought he was finally changing but no. He's still the same Chris.

I still haven't been able to talk to Jay. I really never meant for any of this to happen. I just didn't want him to continue to go through all of this shit because of me. He's a good guy and Chris is an asshole. I didn't want him fighting every time Chris came around. I thought I was doing what was best.

I went into the baby's room and began hanging up her clothes.

"Why does she have so much." I groaned

I stacked the boxes of diapers at the bottom. I stuffed what I could into the closet. I need some extra storage space cause this is too much.

I looked around at everything that still needed to be put away

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I looked around at everything that still needed to be put away. I put the rest of her clothes into her dresser and piled everything that I can't put together myself into the corner. I put together her swing and sat it in the living room. It's crazy that there will be a baby in there soon.

Reality was finally setting in. I am going to be a mother. I'm excited but scared all at the same time.

I've been staying to myself lately. I rarely go anywhere unless its to get groceries or to a doctors appointment. My stomach is big as hell now and baby girl is healthy as ever. I still haven't picked out a name for her yet.

"Hey." Riley walked into my apartment


"What are you doing today?"

"Nothing. Probably do some online shopping."

"Come on, get dressed. You're getting out of this apartment today."

"No thank you."

"Come on." She snatched my blanket off of me.

"Where are we going? I'm huge, my feet hurt, my back hurts, I don't feel like going anywhere."

"You need to walk anyway. It'll help when you go into labor."

"Don't remind me. That's one thing I'm not ready for."

"Well get ready cause it can happen any day now." Riley smiled. "Now, lets go get some lunch."

I put on anything and got in the car. We pulled up at a diner and went inside. I looked through the menu and wanted everything. I decided to get bacon cheeseburger with fries and a side of chicken nuggets.

Since it wasn't full in there. It didn't take long for us to get our food. Everything was so good. I got a slice of cheesecake for dessert. It was actually nice to get out of the house but I wanted to get back. I've been having a few back pains.

A group of people walked in and the last person happened to be Jay. I avoided staring at him. I've come to terms that he's done. I no longer try to contact him. My only concern is my daughter.

"You ready?" Riley placed the money onto the table and stood up.

I followed behind her. As I was leaving i could feel him staring. I looked over at him and he was watching me. I pushed the diner door open and there was Chris and he was with a girl.

 I pushed the diner door open and there was Chris and he was with a girl

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I instantly got angry and walked over to him.

"So this is why you can't come do shit for our daughter?"

"There you go. I told you I was busy."

"Busy my ass. You are sad. Don't even worry about it. I'll do it myself."

"Lauren, shut up. I'll be by there later."

"No need. We good."

"What the fuck did I just say." He raised his voice. "Now excuse us."

"Take me home

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"Take me home." I got in the car

"But I was goi-"

"Take me home, please." I cut her off

She sighed and turned the car on.

I don't care that he was with a girl. Good for him. It's just that he chose to be with her instead of doing something for his daughter. He could have simply came to put her crib together and then went on and did whatever. He's rarely been here throughout this entire pregnancy. He's always busy. It's fine though. I just won't ask him to do anything else.

"I'll talk to you later." I got out the car and walked into my apartment building.

I went straight to my bedroom and stripped from my clothes, laying in bed. Browsing google for a baby name, I came across a name that I really like.

"Now I only need a middle name." I mumbled.

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