Chapter 46

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"This shit is itching like crazy." I watched as Jay attempted to stick a hanger down in his cast.

"You don't have long before you get it taken off."

"I know. This shit irritating as hell though." He slowly stood up and walked into the kitchen on his own without the crutches. He's been trying to use those things as little as possible.

"You got it?" I watched him

"Yeah. Im good baby."

"I still can't believe Chris would do this." I shook my head

"You don't know who did it." He spoke from the kitchen.

"Yes I do Jay. Nobody else fucked with you besides him."

"Well its over with now."

I sighed and changed the tv channel.

"Lets go out for dinner tonight." Jay slowly walked back into the living room room and picked up Lyric

"To where?" I looked up at him

"Doesn't matter. I just want to get out of the house."

"Ok." I smiled "I have to get ready."

"Go ahead."

Before I reached my bedroom, there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it." I turned around and answered the door.

Jay's mom embraced me in a hug. "Hey sweetie. How are you?"

"Im good." I smiled and stepped to the side so she could walk in.

Lyric squealed and attempted to run to her.

"My baby!" Jay's mom picked her up and kissed her cheeks. "Before ya'll go, I need y'all to run a few errands for me. I need you to go pick up my prescription for me. And JJ, you know that juice I like? Bring me a jug please."

"Yes ma'am." He slowly got up.

We walked out of the house and got into the car. During the entire drive, Jay was caressing my thigh.

We stopped by the store first and then went to the pharmacy.

"This car has been sitting here forever." I sighed

"Hell yea." He commented before blowing smoke put the window.

He took another pull and then pulled my dress up a little further. He placed his hand between my legs and smirked.

"No panties?"

"You know I rarely wear them now."

His middle finger slowly massaged my clit. I bit down on my bottom lip between my teeth.

He leaned over and ran his tongue up my neck to my ear lobe. "I want you." He huskily spoke

I moaned just from his voice.

The car in front of us moved so I pulled up to the window.

"Claire Taylor." I spoke and confirmed the address.

Jay slipped his finger inside me as I was talking and I grabbed the steering wheel.

"I'll see if it is finished. Give me a moment." She smiled and walked away.

I rolled the window up and let out a low moan. "Jayyy" I closed my eyes

He added another finger and went faster.

"Damn." He commented at my juices running down his hand.

The pharmacist approached the window and I rolled mine down. Jay didn't stop.

"That'll be 45.86"

I placed my card into the tray. She swiped it and put the medicine and my card in there.

"Have a nice day."

"Th-thank you." I grabbed the medicine and my card and tossed it in the back.

I drove off and parked into the first secluded park I found.

I climbed over onto his lap and kissed him. He wrapped one of his arms around my waist and the other pulled his sweats down.

He rubbed the tip against my entrance before I slowly sat on it.

"Fuck." He groaned

I slowly bounced on it, making sure to take all of him inside me.

He leaned forward and attacked my neck with kisses. I sped up a little, still being cautious of his injuries.

"Just like that baby." He smacked my ass

I threw my head back, with my eyes closed. I slowed down, trying to enjoy the moment.

He rubbed my clit with his thumb as he licked and sucked on my neck.

"What's my name baby?" He bit my neck

"Shit." I moaned

He held me by my waist and rammed into me. "I can't hear you baby."

He continued to ram into me and my legs began to shake.

"Jayceon!" I moaned loudly as I came.

My body began to jerk a little because he didnt stop thrusting into me until he came.

I sat there and kissed him as I felt him throbbing inside me.

I climbed off of him and got back into the driver's seat.

"I want some more." Jay whined while he pulled his pants up.

"Later baby." I pulled out of the park and went back to the house.

35 minutes later

"Took ya'll long enough" his mom eyes us

"It was a long line at the pharmacy." I quickly replied

"Mhmm." She walked into the living room

I walked to the bedroom and pulled my dress off. I took a quick shower and picked something to wear. I didn't choose anything too fancy.

Jay was walking from the other bathroom as I left the bedroom. He came behind me, grabbing my ass. He leaned down and placed his lips closed to my ear.

"Just wait until I heal. I'm tearing that pussy up. That car session was a tease. I'ma have you really screaming my name." He squeezed my left breast before walking into the living room and I followed.

"Ya'll look nice." His mom commented as she rocked Lyric on her lap.

"We'll be back no later than 10. Love you ma." Jay kissed her cheek.

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