Chapter 51

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I rubbed Jay's head as he laid in my lap. We were watching Martin. It has kind of became our thing. I enjoy our quality time together.

"You remember the first time I came to your place and we watched this?" Jay spoke.

I smiled. "Yes I do. I was so nervous."

"I could tell." He laughed "But it only made me like you more. It showed me that you weren't like these other girls. All fast and shit."

"You sound like such a dad."

"You ready for your appointment in the morning?" Jay looked up at me

"Of course. I'm ready to see my baby."

"I know we supposed to find out if it's a boy or girl but honestly, as long as it's healthy, I don't care."

"Awwww." I pinched his cheek

"My mom wants to come too, if that's ok."

"It's fine. I don't mind."

"Cool. She said she missed the appointment for Lyric so she has to be there for this one."


9:30 AM

"Come on. Time to get up." I heard Jay

"No. Leave me alone." I pulled the cover over my head

"Come on. You gotta go to your appointment." He slowly peeled the cover back. "I already got Lyric ready."

"Stop it Jay." I snatched the cover back over my head.

I felt the bed shift and I could tell he was no longer on it. Seconds later, he pulled the cover off of the bed completely.

I groaned loudly. "I just want to sleep."

"You can sleep when we get back, now get up. I already have your clothes and everything out. All you have to do is brush your teeth."

I sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed my eye. I sat there for a good 5 minutes before walking into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and put on the clothes he picked out.

"Sit down." He motioned for me to it in the chair he brought into the bathroom.

I sat and he put my shoes on for me. After he was done, he picked up the brush and brushed my hair into a ponytail.

"See. You didn't have to do anything." He kissed my cheek. "Now let's go."

Jay's parents followed us to our appointment. His dad decided to come along as well. Everyone is so happy and excited. I tried to contact my mom so she could atleast be on the phone but I couldn't reach her. It sucks but I'm used to it.

"You ok?" Jay leaned over

"Yea." I forced a smile

"Lauren Smith." A nurse called

We all walked back into the room and I sat on the table. The nurse started right away. We heard the heartbeat again and she said that the baby was growing perfectly.

"Now, are you ready to find out what you're having?" The nurse looked at me


"Well if you look right here." The nurse pointed. "You will see that it's a boy." She smiled.

Jay kissed my forehead. "A boy and a girl. My life is complete"

His parents had the biggest smiles on their faces. I always feel so loved around them.

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