Chapter 54

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My eyes were stuck on my screen. I looked at every inch of it. I zoomed in and everything. I laughed a little. Jay wouldn't do that to me. The longer I sat there, the more doubts filled my mind. He's never lied to me before.

I laid Kody in the middle of the bed and walked into the bathroom. I dialed the number and Chris answered on the second ring.

"Where did you see him at?" I asked

"Damn. No hey? How you doing? Nothing?"

I remained silent.

He chuckled. "Aight. Be that way. He was at the store up here. Near the courts. I was walking by and saw him before I went inside. He was all over the girl. You would've thought they were together. I mean all hugged up and everything."

"You're lying."

"I gotta admit. My mans is a good player. I'll give him that. He know how to keep his shit on lock. And you can't say I'm lying. I sent you proof."

I could feel myself about to cry. I looked up to the ceiling to hold the tears in.

"It's ok. I'm always here for you. I still love you." Chris spoke.

I didn't even respond I just hung up. I tightly closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Jayceon is not that type of man. I went to his contact and called him. It went to voicemail. But he is playing basketball. But a part of me thinks he's with her. I'm sure it was just a friendly conversation. I couldn't even see them touching in the picture. I'm sure it's nothing.

I went back into my bedroom and laid of the bed. Since both of the kids are sleep, i took that as my chance to take a nap.

45 minutes later

The sound of my phone ringing woke me up. I answered the FaceTime call from Jay.

"Hey baby. What's wrong? You ok? You need me to come home?" He held his hand up to keep the sun out his eyes.

I laughed. "No baby. I'm fine. It's nothing. I'll see you when you get here."

"Ok. This is the last game. I love you."

"I love you too." I ended the call

I could hear all of the people in the background when he was on FaceTime. Jayceon isn't like Chris.

I went to the message thread between me and Chris and sent him a message

Stop trying to start shit Chris. It's not cool. I'm happy. Leave my relationship alone. : me

404-691-9690 : Believe what you want 😂😂

I didn't even bother responding to him. That's the exact line niggas say when they're lying. He is so childish.

Another 30 minutes went by and I heard Jay come in the house. He had his jacket in his hand and looked exhausted. He was all sweaty.

"Who won?" I spoke from the kitchen

"My team duh." He walked over to me

"No no no." I held my hand up. "Get back. Don't touch me." I laughed

He stood there for a moment before bear hugging me.

"Get oooff." I whined

He wiped the sweat off of his forehead and put it on mine.

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