Chapter 43

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We sat at the table and ate our ice cream. We had just finished dinner but Lyric wanted ice cream so we all decided to get a cone. I watched Lyric laugh at Jay as he made faces at her.

 I watched Lyric laugh at Jay as he made faces at her

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"Is it good?" Jay asked her

"Mhmm" she mumbled as she continued to eat.

We finished up the ice cream and headed home

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We finished up the ice cream and headed home. Lyric fell asleep on the way. Jay carried her into her room and put her in the bed.

"I really love this house." I commented as Jay walked into the room.

"I'm glad you do baby."

My eyes stayed glued to his body as he took his clothes off. He grabbed a blunt off of the dresser that he had rolled earlier. He lit it and sat on the bed.

"You want to try it again?" He blew smoke from his mouth

"Hell nah. I almost died last time."

He laughed "Cause you hit it too hard. You just starting out. You can't pull like a pro." He held the blunt towards me

I grabbed it and brought it to my lips. I slowly inhaled then blew the smoke from my mouth.

"See. Gotta take your time."

"Yea yea." I took another hit and then gave it back to him

1 hour later

I sat on the kitchen counter eating chips. Jay searched through the fridge for something to drink.

He looked so good. His tattoos covered his body. The muscles in his back flexed as he moved. I love everything about him. He's absolutely perfect to me.

"You so perverted." He laughed, bringing me from my thoughts


"I see you over there fucking me with your eyes. Just say what you want baby." He stepped between my legs.

"I want you." I looked up at him

"Oh forreal?"

I nodded and leaned up, pressing my lips against his. "I need you." I spoke between kisses.

He effortlessly picked me up and carried me to the bedroom. He laid me on the bed and began to kiss all over me. I pulled my shirt off and threw it across the room.

I grew impatient quickly. He's always so careful and sensual.

"Jay." I whined

"Yes baby?" He twirled his tongue around my nipple.

"Fuck me."

He laughed a little

"Right now."

He stood up and smirked. He roughly flipped me over and entered me without warning.

"Oh shit." I moaned

"This what you wanted?" He smacked my ass

I didn't respond. I could only moan

He pulled my hair and leaned down until his mouth was at my ear. "Answer me." He growled

"Yeeeessss." I bit my lip

He pulled out completely and ran the tip up and down my opening before focusing on my clit.

"Daddy got you wet like this?" He commented at the sound my juices were making

"Jay stop playing. Please baby." I begged

He rammed back inside me and I loudly moaned

"Why you running?" He pulled my hair "I thought you needed me?"

"Oooh shit." I bit the pillow "Wait jay." I tried to push him away

"You don't need me no more?" He continued to pound into me "Stop fucking running." He snapped and held me down

"Im gonna cum baby."

He didn't slow down

I nearly screamed as I squirted all over the bed. I felt him release right after and he laid on my back, not bothering to pull out.

Both of us were breathing heavily.

"That shit so good." He kissed my neck

"Mhmm." I replied with my eyes still closed

He slowly pulled out and laid beside me.

"I love you." I lazily smiled

"I love you too baby."


We sat in the room with the therapist waiting for Chris to get here. He's over 30 minutes late.

"I apologize about the wait. He's not answering my texts or calls."

"Oh its fine." Ashley smiled

Another 15 minutes went by and he still hadn't showed up. My phone vibrated and I had a text from him.

Chris - look, i'm tired of this therapy bullshit. I thought ya'll would've gave up by now. I'm not going to another session. I signed over my rights already.

I read the text over and over.

"Well he's not coming." I spoke "He just texted me and said that he's not coming to another session."

"So what does that mean?" Jay asked

"He's already signed over his rights so there's nothing left to do."

"Well, I wish you the best." Ashley smiled

"Thank you." Jay answered.

We exited the office and got in the car.

"Our court date is next week. You will legally be a father then." I smiled

"I can't wait."

"Me either. I'm glad this whole process is over but I hope Chris gets the help he needs. I mean we aren't together but I don't want him to lose himself."

"I understand you baby. Hopefully he'll get it together."

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