Chapter 45

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I ran down the driveway trying to get to Jay. There were 3 guys in all black with masks on hitting him with bats.

They quickly piled back into the car and sped off. Once I reached him, I pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed 911.

Jay continued to groan in pain. "My fucking leg."

"The ambulance is coming." I watched as he helplessly laid there. I tried to help him up but he's alot bigger than me.

I could hear the sound of sirens getting closer. I looked down the street and I could see the lights flashing. They pulled up and immediately went to Jay. He was carefully lifted up and placed onto the stretcher.

I drove behind the ambulance and called his parents to let them know what happened.


It feels like I've been sitting in this waiting room forever. I'm glad they placed me in a private waiting room though. I tried to watch tv but I couldn't focus. I kept his parents updated. I texted them whenever the nurse would tell me anything.

The door opened and the doctor walked inside. "Mr. Taylor is out of surgery and wants you in there with him. Follow me and I will take you to the room."

I hopped up and followed behind the doctor. Jay was sitting up in the bed when I walked in. He had a bandage around his head and his leg was all wrapped up.

"I'm going to go get your x-rays and talk to you about your procedures." The doctor spoke before stepping out.

"My baby." I poked my lip out as I ran my hand down his face. "I don't like seeing you like this."

"I'm good baby. Don't stress."

"You aren't. Look at you. This is all my fault."

"Don't talk like that. I've been in worse situations. This is only a small setback. I'll be good in no time baby. I promise."

The doctor walked back in and dimmed the lights and placed the x-rays onto an area on the wall. "Ok. Before we even look at these, I want to give a little insight on everything you got done today. First, you have 16 stitches in your head. Second, you have a cast on because your ankle was fractured and third, you had to have screws placed in your leg and knee. The fracture in your thigh and knee was alot worse than the one in your ankle, which is why you needed screws instead of just a cast."

I watched as he showed us exactly where the fractures were.

"So what all that mean?" Jay asked

"Well, you'll be limited to what you can and can't do for a while. You'll have to keep the cast on for about six weeks. Come back and we'll take the cast off, put a boot on and you can begin physical therapy."

"Ok." Jay nodded. "How will all of this affect me playing basketball?"

The doctor sighed. "Going off of the fractures that you have, I wouldn't say it's completely impossible to play again but it won't be the same." He walked over and turned the lights back on. "You just have to take it one day at a time."

"How long do I have to stay in here?"

"Overnight. Just because you have head trauma, we need to keep an eye on you for atleast 24 hours."

"Cool." Jay laid back.

I sat on the chair next to the bed and the doctor exited the room. I couldn't help but feel like this was all my fault. If I wasn't with Jay, he wouldn't be going through any of this. I tried to quickly wipe a tear that fell but he was watching me the entire time.

"What's wrong? Why you crying?" He reached for my hand.

"I've taken you through so much shit. You wouldn't even be in this situation if it wasn't for me."

"How do you know who did it?"

"Come on Jay. Who else could've did this? I feel bad as hell right now and to top it all, you may not even be able to play basketball anymore. I'm basically ruining your life."

"Baby, don't stress yourself over this shit. Nothing is your fault and you aren't ruining anything. If I can't play ball no more it won't be the end of the world. I always have a back up plan." He kissed the back of my hand. "You gotta stop worrying so much and just let things flow. If it's meant to be, it will happen."


2 days later

Jay can finally leave the hospital. He was supposed to leave yesterday but his blood pressure was kind of high so they kept him an extra day.

I pulled my car around and helped him get in. I put his crutches in the back before getting in myself.

"Glad to be out of there." Jay laughed

"I know you are."

"That means I get some welcome home pussy right?" He tried to hold back his smile

"What? You're leg is bout broke and thats the first thing you think about?" I joked

"My leg may be broke but this dick aint. I can't stand up but you can ride it."

"You are wild." I laughed

He shrugged "Gotta get it by any means necessary. It's been like 3 days. I need that."

"I am not about to do that and you just had surgery."

He sighed. "Fine. You can just sit on my face."

"Nope. You got stitches remember."

"Shit, I forgot."

"I will be here when you heal."

"I need you now though."

"You so nasty." I shook my head as I pulled into the driveway

"It's your fault. I ain't ever have no pussy like that."

I laughed loudly. "Really baby? You are too much." 

I put the car in park and got out. I grabbed his crutches before opening his door. He placed them under his arms and began going towards the house. He carefully went up the stairs. I unlocked the front door and we went inside.

"Your mom is supposed to be coming by today." I placed my keys on the table.

"She still got my baby?" He sat down

"Yep. I tried to get her to leave her here but she wouldn't."

"Sounds like her." He smiled "She finally got her grand baby that she wanted. Just wait til the next one get here. She ain't gon know what to do with 2."

"The next one?"

"The next one?" He copied me "Don't act surprised. You know I never pull out."

"Shut up." I laughed and threw a pillow at him

"Beating up the disabled?" He shook his head "I am disappointed."

I held up my middle finger as I went into the kitchen

"I want to but you scared."

"Yeah, yeah."

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