Chapter 6

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Chris and I haven't worked on our project in a while. Which is fine with me because I like being alone.

I walked around the crowds of people on campus. The basketball team was walking in my direction. As much as I wanted to go a different way, I couldn't. I tried to ignore them all. They passed by but someone grabbed my arm.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?"

I just stood there. Blank. 

He laughed. "Come on, don't be like that"

I looked around him at his friends that were laughing. I felt like I was being made fun of again.

I didn't reply I just turned around.

"Yo, wait a minute. Ignore them, they're assholes."

I sighed and stopped walking. "Why are you talking to me? They dared you to? It's some kind of joke?" I scoffed and shook my head

"Nah I just think you're beautiful. I don't care what they think"

I paused for a minute. "Right" I began walking again

"Can I at least get your number?" He walked beside me "That's if you don't have a man already."

I held out my hand as I continued walking. He placed his phone in my hand and I typed my number in. 

"Thank you beautiful" He smiled

I smiled and crossed the street. I was now in front of my apartment complex. This guy basically walked me home. I turned around and looked up at him.

"Why are you still walking with me? Don't you have practice or something to go to?"

"Oh so you were checking me out?" He smirked "I do but they can wait. I'm the best player anyway."

I laughed "If you say so."

"Oh you don't believe me? You'll have to come to one of my games."

"I'll pass. That's not my thing."

"You not going to come out and support your man?" He leaned against the railing

"My man?" I raised an eyebrow

"Yea. That's what I'm trying to be, if you let me." He stepped closer to me

I took a step back and remained quiet

He smiled. He was about to leave but turned back around.

"I never got your name."

"It's Lauren."

"I'm Jayceon. I'ma call you after practice, if that's ok."

I nodded

"Alright baby girl." He walked away

I released the breath that I was holding and went up to my apartment. I stripped out of my clothes and took a shower.


"Stop playing!" Riley's loud voice came through the phone

I laughed. "I'm not. He basically walked me home and everything. I still don't trust it though. Seems like a joke. Why would someone that fine be interested in me?"

"Because you popping duh." She laughed "Stop doubting yourself. You're beautiful and obviously he knows it too. Live a little. You can't be shy forever."

"I guess."

"Listen. Why don't you try wearing different make up. Like, a bolder lipstick or something. You have to get out of that shell. I applaud you though. You have been doing something if you have two hot guys on you."

I laughed. "Well I did wear red lipstick the other day."

"See, you ain't tell me all of this."

"I was feeling good at that moment."

"You should always feel like that. No matter what anyone says."

"Ok. Dr. Riley. Enough of the life talk."

"Have you talked to Chris?"


"What about your project?"

I shrugged as if she could see me. "I don't know. It's basically done. I think he has a few more things to add but thats it."

"I still can't believe what he said."

"I don't even want to talk about it."

"Ok. Well, I have to go. I'll talk to you later."

"Ok. Bye." I hung up

I made my way to my bedroom and got into bed. My phone lit up on the nightstand. I grabbed it and noticed that I had a message. I unlocked my phone and clicked on the message

404-375-8263 (10:56 PM): Hey beautiful, it's Jayceon. I know I was supposed to call after practice but practice ran late today and I don't want to keep you up late. I'll see you on campus tomorrow. Goodnight.

I smiled at how sweet the message was. I saved his number in my phone as 'Jayceon 🙈🙊' and put my phone back onto the nightstand and drifted off to sleep.

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