Chapter 28

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"What is so important that I had to come over here?" Chris sat down on the couch

I took a few deep breaths to keep my composure. "I need to tell you something but I wanted to tell you to your face, not through text or over the phone."

"Ok what is it?"

"Well." I paused "I'm pregnant."

He laughed loudly. "Cut that shit out. You don't have to lie to get me to come back to you."

"I'm not lying and I don't want you."

"Yeah right. Do you know how many females have claimed to be pregnant by me and it turned out to be lies? I'm not falling for that shit."

I handed him my papers from the doctor. "And I have an ultrasound appointment today. You're more than welcome to go so you can see I'm not lying." I rolled my eyes

"Oh shit." He lowly spoke. "You serious? Like forreal?"


"Damn." He scratched his head as he continued to look at the paper. "You keeping it?"

My mouth dropped open. "Yes I am."

"You can kill that attitude. All I did was ask a question."

I slightly laughed. "You know whats funny? I was going to get an abortion and not even tell you I was pregnant but my heart wouldn't let me do it. And the first thing you ask is am I keeping it. Wow."

"Man, I'm not trying to hear all that bullshit. Just text me and let me know how the appointment goes."

"Why? What do you have to do?"

"Well it is my child right?" He raised an eyebrow


"Ok then. Let me know whats going on. And don't worry about what I have to do." He got up and walked out the front door.

I can't stand him. I shouldn't have told him at all. He was happy as hell at the thought of me being pregnant but now that I actually am he changed.

My mom texted me and let me know that she's downstairs. I grabbed my bag and left my apartment.

"You ok?" My mom had a worried look on her face.

"Yes." I flashed a forced smile before putting the address into her gps

"Is Chris meeting us there?" She began to drive.

"No. He had something to do."

"Oh so he's going to be one of those. I see."

"I don't even want to talk about him right now."

I listened to the music for the rest of the ride. After I told my mom that I'm pregnant she kind of took over everything. I'm not mad though. She cancelled my original ultrasound and made me an appointment to get a 3D/4D ultrasound.

We arrived at the place and I hopped out of the car. I checked in and waited to be called back which didn't take long at all.

I laid on the table and pulled my shirt up. The tech squeezed the gel onto my stomach. She searched for a moment and then the sound of a heartbeat filled the room. I smiled and watched the screen on the wall.

"From what I am measuring, you are approximately 16 weeks and 2 days." The tech smiled. "That means you can also find out the gender today as well."

"Yes please." My mom answered and I agreed.

I focused on the screen as the tech showed the baby.

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