Chapter 44

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"What time do we have to be at court?" Jay walked into the living room


"Why you up so early?"

"I don't know."

"Come take a shower with me."

I looked over at him and he smirked. I got up from the couch and walked to the bathroom.

"I remember the first time I tasted you." Jay bit his lip and stood behind me "I been hooked since that day. You taste good, feel good and that shit wet as hell." His hand wrapped around my neck and turned my head towards him so he could kiss me. He pulled my underwear down as he continued to kiss me.

He slowly slid into me and bent me over the counter. He kept his hand on the back of my neck to stay in control. He began to speed up his pace.

"Look at me baby."

I tried to look into the mirror but I couldn't focus

"Watch me fuck you." He pulled my head up by my hair.

He aggressively pounded into me and watching him through the mirror only turned me on even more.

"You love me?"

"Yes baby." I breathlessly spoke

He slowed his pace again and groaned as we kept eye contact through the mirror.

"You gon have my baby?" He grinded deeply

"Mhmm" I moaned and my eyes began to close.

He picked up the pace again but made sure his full length went inside me. "I can't hear you. What you say?"

"Yes! Whatever you want!" My legs began to get weak. He could tell I was reaching my climax.

"Hold it." He rolled his hips, staring into my eyes

"I can't"

"I said hold it." He growled

I couldn't control it. I came and it was intense.

"Oh shit." He let out a long groan as my walls tightened around him, causing him to release.

We both stood there for a minute before getting into the shower. It was only seconds before I was against the shower wall with him filling me up again.


"Today is the day." Jay smiled as he buttoned up his shirt.

"I know. I'm so excited."

"You coming with me to the draft banquet?"

"Of course. Your mom is keeping Lyric until tomorrow."

I watched him as he got dressed. He looks so good in a suit.

"You ready?"

I nodded and grabbed my bag. We walked out of the house and Jay opened the car door for me.

Traffic wasn't bad so we arrived at the courthouse within 30 minutes. Since Chris wasn't here, we didn't have to go into the big courtroom.

The judge guided us to a small office.
"Have a seat."

We both sat down. The judge searched through a stack of papers and pulled out a few.

"So we have here that Mr. Brown has signed over his paternal rights. He will be removed from the birth certificate and to make this a smooth process, Mr. Taylor can go ahead and sign his name so everything can be done at one time."

Jay nodded and signed his name.

"Now since a new certificate has to be made, you do have the option to change the child's last name." She looked between Jay and I.

"Yes. I want her last name to be Taylor." I spoke

"You sure? We aren't married yet."

"I'm sure."

"I would feel more comfortable if we changed her name at the same time we change yours."

"Ok. That's fine." I smiled.

We finished up the rest of the paperwork and left the office.

"She's mine." Jay had the biggest smile on his face.

"Finally." I held his hand

We got into the car and he drove to the location of the banquet. The parking lot was kind of full but he finally found a park.


A few guys that were on the team with Jay were here. A couple of NBA coaches showed up as well. There were alot of players there but I know my baby is the best. The dinner lasted for about two hours.

We made it back home and I was ready to go to bed. I think I ate entirely too much

"Did you check the mail today? I'm supposed to be getting something from the recruiter."

"I haven't."

"I'll check it. You can go ahead inside. I know you tired."

I walked up the steps and unlocked the front door. Before I could step inside, the sound of tires squealing caused me to quickly turn around.

"Jay!" I ran down the driveway

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