Chapter 5

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I woke up this morning in a great mood. I even decided to have a normal breakfast for once. I walked into the kitchen and got out the bacon, eggs and pancake mix.

I fixed my breakfast, sat down and ate. I placed my plate into the sink and went to get ready for class. I looked through the clothes in my closet. I will admit, I have a different style but it also defines who I am. I pulled on some leggings and a button up. I decided to go against wearing something loose today.

I grabbed my phone and keys and was out the door

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I grabbed my phone and keys and was out the door. I enjoy walking to class instead of driving.

Entering the building, I stayed to myself. I noticed Chris standing in the hall talking to a few friends. We made eye contact and I smiled and waved but he directed his attention back to the conversation, ignoring me.

I guess I spoke too soon. My smiled faded and I quickly walked into the classroom and sat in my seat.

How dumb of me to actually think a guy like that could be friends with a girl like me.

I avoided all contact with him during class today. The whole time I could feel him burning holes into the side of my face but I ignored the urge to look. My phone vibrated and his name flashed across the screen.

I rolled my eyes and finally looked over at him but he was now looking at the board.

I opened my messages and clicked on his name

Chris (12:42 pm): What's wrong?

I closed out of the message and locked my phone.

I was the first one out of class today.

"What's wrong with you?" Chris grabbed my arm

I was about to speak but someone called his name.

He sighed "I gotta go. I'll be over around 6 to work on our project." He quickly spoke and jogged away.

I walked out of the building and went home.


6:38 PM

I opened the door to let Chris in. I stepped to the side and he walked in. I locked the door behind him. We both walked to my art room and began painting in silence.

"So are you going to tell me what's wrong?" He finally spoke "Did I do something?"

"I just thought you were different. I told you about how people treated me and I thought you understood what I was saying. But you're just like everyone else. You can laugh and joke with me when we're alone but in public you ignore me."

"That's not true."

"Yes it is! You ignored me today in front of your friends. But that's my fault, I forgot that talking to a big girl is bad for your reputation." I shook my head

"I didn't ignore you Lauren and we are friends."

"So why didn't you atleast give a simple head nod, something to acknowledge that you did see me?"

"I....uh....we...." He fumbled over his words "Ok. I was wrong for doing that but they'll clown me for talking to someone like you."

"Someone like me? Wow." I fought back tears

"I didn't mean it like that." He stepped closer to me

"Yes you did, but it's ok." I looked away from him. "We're done for today. You can let yoursef out." I walked away

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