Chapter 20

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I rolled out of bed and got ready for class. I had to leave a little early today so I could show Riley where to turn in her enrollment papers. Im glad she decided on this school.

I stepped out of the shower and dried off. After getting dressed and curling my hair, I was ready to go.

"Riley! Are you ready?" I yelled as I walked into the Kitchen.

"Yea. Just have to find my shoes." She walked into the kitchen.

I grabbed my keys and we both exited my apartment. Jayceon was walking up the hallway. He had a big smile on his face.

"Aw man. I came to surprise you and walk you to class today. Why you leaving so early?" He walked up and put his arm around me

"Riley has some papers to turn in."

He nodded. "I haven't seen you in a while. How you been?"

"We talk almost every day." I laughed

"True. But I like being around you physically." He pulled me closer to him

Jayceon held my hand as we walked to the campus. I expected him to let my hand go once people started looking but he didnt.

"Yo! Jay!" One of his teammates called him.

He changed his path and walked towards the guy, pulling me along with him. I always get uncomfortable around his friends and he knows that. I shyly tried to hide behind him but he put his arm around me, forcing me to stand in front of him.

"Wassup Lauren." He nodded

"Hi." I smiled

He continued to talk to Jayceon as I awkwardly stood there.

"I'll hit you up later. I gotta walk my baby to her class." Jayceon leaned down placing a kiss on my cheek.

I blushed and looked over at Riley.

"Aight man. See ya'll later."

We continued walking. A guy stopped Riley and she waved for me and Jay to go ahead without her.

I enjoyed being around Jay. He was so sweet to me. And had never been ashamed to show affection towards me in public.

My thoughts were interrupted when he abruptly turned around, taking us a different way. "Let's go this way." He quickly spoke.

"But the building is there there." I pointed, looking around him.

My finger dropped as I caught a glimpse of Chris with another female. All the shit he told me obviously meant nothing. I dropped my head and turned around.

"Don't you do this. Not here. You're too beautiful for this. I know you like him but don't let him openly disrespect you like this. Im not telling you how to live your life, I'm just saying that you deserve better than that and you know it."

"I know." I sighed a breath of defeat

"Look at me." He placed a finger under my chin causing me to look up at him. "How about I take you out tonight. Get your mind off of him. Just you and me." He smiled

"That sounds great."

"Good. I wont be able to walk with you home today because I have practice so I'll just be at your place by 7. Cool?"

I nodded.

"Cheer up." He kissed my forehead "Men like that never realize what they have until they see it with someone else, but by then its too late." He winked before walking off

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