Chapter 2

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Today is the big day. I'm leaving New York and going to Georgia. I'm actually excited about it.

I packed up a few items that I forgot and set my bags by the front door. Once I was finished, I called Riley to take me to the airport.

"My best friend is leaving me" She whined "But I will catch a flight if them Atlanta bitches want to start shit. Don't let them push you around Lauren. I'm serious"

"Yes mother" I laughed and hugged her. I'm going to miss my best friend. I carried my bags through the airport. I was a bit early so after my bags were checked, I sat and waited for my flight.

About 45 minutes later. A voice came on the intercom. "Flight 317 to Atlanta, Please make your way to terminal A-2."

I stood up and let out a deep breathe. I handed the lady my ticket and boarded the plane.


I walked into the airport and went to baggage claim to get my bags. I grabbed everything and walked outside and called an uber.

I was dropped off at the main office of the apartment complex. I went in and got my keys to my place. I carried my bags up and set them in my living room. The apartment was fully furnished so I was thankful of that. I looked around taking in everything. I sent Riley a quick text to let her know that I had got there safely.

Open house at the college was today at 4. I took a quick shower and changed clothes before leaving. Since my apartment was close to the campus, I decided to walk. I arrived at the campus within 15 minutes.

I walked around the campus and found my classes. The last class I was looking for was Advanced Art but I couldn't find it. I looked back at my paper and ended up bumping into some.

"I'm sorry." I tucked my hair behind my ear, looking up to see who I walked into.

"You good." He replied before turning back around.

After 20 minutes of searching, I finally found the classroom. I walked in and looked at all of the paintings hung around on the walls. The professor came over and introduced herself.

I sat at a nearby table and looked over the course schedule. I gathered all of my papers together and slid them into my folder. As I was about to walk out, the guy I bumped into earlier walked in.

He's in this class too? I raised an eyebrow. I watched him walk across the classroom to get his papers. I guess he could feel me staring because he turned around, looking over in my direction. I quickly walked out of the room and down the hall.

"That was close." I mumbled to myself as I exited the building.

I took time to explore the rest of the campus before I decided to head back to my apartment.

I watched as cars pass by and I looked at the various people I passed walking by. As I reached my apartment complex, a call from Riley came through.

"Hello." I answered the call

"It's me" Riley sang

I laughed "Shut up"

"How is everything down there?"

"Good so far." I walked into my apartment

"Any cute guys?"

"A couple. I bumped into one today, and he's in my art class. How embarassing."

"The lord is giving you a sign. That's your future baby daddy." Riley said in a ratchet voice

"Stop it. I could never pull a dude like that."

"Thats what you say. Anyway, call me later. Love you."

"Love you too." I hung up the phone and placed it on the counter.

I fixed myself a salad and sat in the living room so I could watch tv. I watched a few episodes of Martin as I ate. I placed my plate in the sink and went to take a bath. Classes start tomorrow. I'm nervous and ready for them to be over with already.

After my bath, I picked out what I was going to wear. Something plain, keeps people from staring so long.


"Lauren Smith." The professor called and I raised my hand.

"This will not be an everyday thing. I just need to put a face with the name."

I tuned her out as I looked at the paintings. They were beautiful.

The professor clapped her hands "Great, everyone is here. Welcome to advanced art. My name is Dr. Brousseau but you may call me Dr. B. Any questions so far?" She looked around the room. "Good, everyone should have a canvas and paint. Today's assignment will consist of your personal feelings. I want you to paint a representation of how you feel about yourself. There is no right or wrong for this assignment."

I picked up my paint brush and began painting. I let my emotions reflect through my painting. My finished work was a plus-sized silhouette surrounded by all of the mean and hateful words I had been called throughout my life. I signed the bottom and placed my brush into the muddy colored water and examined my artwork. I gathered my supplies and put them away. I scrolled through different apps on my phone for the remainder of class.

Once class was over, I walked down the hall to my next class. So far college has been ok. But it is just the first day. I hope college goes better than high school did. And I dont want to break down and go back to how I was but it's hard.

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