Chapter 15

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I laid in bed and watched as Chris slept. He looked so peaceful. My mind drifted off to the events that happened just a few hours ago.

I carefully sat up in bed, making sure I didn't wake him. I stood up and intense pain ran through my lower half. I bit my lip and slowly walked into the bathroom.

I leaned against the counter to support myself as I looked in the mirror. I turned the shower on and stepped inside.

The hot water ran down my body and eased the pain away. After a somewhat long shower, I stepped out and wrapped the towel around my body.

I slipped on an oversized sweat shirt and some underwear. No need in hiding now, right? I flicked the lights off and slid back into bed.

Chris rolled over, placing his arm around me and his face in the crook of my neck.

"You smell good." His raspy voice spoke lowly.

"Thank you." I smiled

"But you taste even better." He gently bit my earlobe before rolling out of bed.

I blushed at his comment and looked over at my phone. I have to tell Riley what happened last night. I bit my lip as I thought about it once more.

"Got that ass hooked and now you don't know what to do. Look at you." Chris smirked

"Shut up." I playfully rolled my eyes.

He rushed over and grabbed me by my ankles, causing me to fall back. He then pulled me to the edge of the bed.

I clawed at the sheets because it felt as if I was going to fall.

"I got you." Chris laughed "You remember this?" He pushed my legs towards my head and began to grind against me.

"Stop, Chris." A moan slipped out.

He smacked my thigh and began thrusting like he was inside of me.

I laughed and pushed him back. "You play too much."

"I'm going to get us breakfast, what do you want?" He picked up his shirt

"Bacon, egg and cheese biscuit."

"Anything for you baby." He leaned in and pecked my lips.

I smiled and walked out the room. I heard a knock on the door.

Opening my front door, Jayceon stood on the other side.

"I didn't wake you up, did I?"

I shook my head " No, you di-"

I was cut off my Chris wrapping his arms around me.

"Nah. You didn't wake us." He kissed my cheek. "What you need?"

"Nothing man, you got it." Jayceon stepped back. "I'll talk to you later Lauren." He walked away from the door.

"What was that?" I walked over and looked at Chris after I closed my door.

"Just letting that nigga know wassup. You mine, always will be. Remember that." He kissed my cheek before he left.

I sighed loudly. He gets on my nerves at times. I walked into my bedroom and grabbed my phone.

I dialed Riley's number and sat there as it rung. She finally answered and I could tell she was sleep.

"Wake up!" I yelled "Guess what happened last night?"

"What?" She sleepily answered

"We did it." I smiled "Me and Chris."

"Did what?" She yawned

"You know, It. The thing grown folks do."

"You lost me. Just say it."

"We had sex." I rolled my eyes

There was fumbling in the background and what sounded like Riley coughing.

"What?!" She yelled


I sat at the counter waiting for our order. I scrolled through my social media pages.

The waitress placed the bag in front of me. I shoved my phone into my pocket.

"Thank you." I walked out of the diner.

Looking down at my phone, someone bumped into me as I was walking.

"Watch where the fuck you going next time." I looked up and it was the dude Lauren is friends with.

"Nah, keep your eyes up and watch where you stepping."

"You trying to be funny." I stepped closer

"You stepping towards me so I'ma take that as a threat. You might want to step back before you catch a fist to the jaw."

I laughed loudly. "So I'm supposed to be scared? Look, this beef shit weak. I don't have no problem with you. Just stay away from my girl."

"We friends. And until she say otherwise, I'll be around, homie." He walked off.


"Do you feel different? Is your hips wider? You walk differently? Tell me everything."

I laughed. "I actually don't feel any different. I was sore but thats going away."

"Ahhhh shit. He knocked the lining out that pussy."

I gasped "Riley!"

"What?" She laughed. "I'm just saying."

"You are crazy."

"I just like to know every little detail. Is that crazy? No."

"Well I told you everything already. So now you are well informed of my night."

"Im so proud. It's about time. I was getting a little worried. I thought you were going to be a virgin forever."

"You know what, bye." I laughed "Chris is here anyway."

"Yaaaasssss. Get that dick best friend." She clapped

"I can't with you. Bye." I laughed and hung up the phone.

I went to open the door for Chris and closed it after he walked in.

We sat in the living room and ate our breakfast together as we watched tv.

I kept glancing over at him, trying to hold my smile in. I think he is actually trying to give us a try this time. But only time can tell.

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