Chapter 3

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I laid in bed watching tv. I didn't have any classes today. I flicked through different channels before I decided to get up.

I walked down the hall and to the kitchen. I fixed myself a salad and ate at the table. My phone screen lit up, and I glanced at it. I had an email from school. I unlocked my phone and went to the message.

I groaned and replied to the email then went to my room to change

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I groaned and replied to the email then went to my room to change. I slipped on some jogging pants and a shirt. I slid my feet into my nike slides and left my apartment.

I arrived on campus about fifteen minutes later. I walked into the building and went to my classroom. The professor wasn't in the room so I sat and waited at a table.

I grabbed my painting and sat it in front of me. I closely examined it.

A tattooed hand came into my view. My eyes slowly traveled up the arm until I was looking at the guy's face. The same guy that I bumped into. My eyes looked at every feature of his face.

"Hello?" He waved his hand in my face

I could feel my face burning from embarassment. I quickly turned back around to face my painting.

He laughed and I mentally face palmed myself.

I cleared my throat. "Yes?"

"You drew this?" He leaned in closer to my painting.

I nodded. Too scared to speak, to breathe, to blink. No guy has ever been this close to me.

"This is good. But can I ask you something?"

"Sure." I spoke quietly

"What's up with all the negative words?"

I could feel him looking at me but I didn't turn my head.

"I's the things I was called during highschool." My head dropped.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I di-"

"It's ok." I cut him off

He was about to say something else but our professor walked into the room. He stood up and walked over to his seat.

She motioned for me to follow her. I grabbed my painting walked over to her desk. I stood there and waited for her to speak.

"Well...." Dr. B paused "You recieved an A on this assignment but I have one question."



"What do you mean?" I looked at the painting then back at her.

"Why the harsh, degrading words?"

"Honestly, you and I both know that I'm not the smallest girl. All through my middle and high school years, I was called those names." I pointed at the words. "So instead of loving myself for who I am, I see myself as what those people called me."

"You're a beautiful young lady Lauren." She grabbed my hand

"Thanks, Dr. B." I gave a small smile

She nodded and set my painting aside.

I walked out of the classroom and down the hall.

"Excuse me. Do you know where the admissions office is?" A girl walked over to me

"Yeah, its in a different building. I can walk with you if you want."


We both walked out of the doors at the end of the hall.

"I'm Amber." The girl smiled

"Lauren." I returned the smile

"What classes you taking?"

"Just general classes for now, besides my advanced art."

"I might do that. I'm just looking for some niggas to fuck." She laughed


"Hell yea. Don't let these niggas fool you. They love fat bitches too."

There was a silence between us as we approached the building.

"Can I ask you something." I stopped walking


"How are you so confident?"

"Simple. Don't let no nigga or bitch bring you down. I know I'ma fat bitch and I own that shit. Big body, bomb face. Once you start accepting yourself, everything else will fall into place."

I nodded. "Thanks."

"The admissions office is the first door on the right." I spoke

"Thanks girl. I'll see you around." Amber walked off

I walked home and relaxed for the rest of the day.

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