Chapter 33

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I haven't seen or talked to Chris since he came to the hospital. I'm not going to force him to be here.

Jay and I are back on good terms. He comes around some times. I've just been trying to give all of my attention to Lyric. My main focus is her. Yes he apologized but I'm not worried about a man right now.

My mom is still over in Germany. I try to send her pictures and videos everyday. She helps me alot by sending me money for things. Once Lyric gets a little older, I want to start working.

I sat her over in her swing and turned it on while I tried to clean up. I have to wash clothes and wash her bottles. I gathered up all of her clothes that were scattered everywhere and put them in the washer.

I filled the kitchen sink with water and began to wash her bottles. It seemed like she had a thousand bottles. I rinsed them one last time before putting them on the drying rack.

"Now I can attempt to take a quick shower."

Before I could make it to my bedroom, there was knocking on the front door.


I opened the door and it was Jay.

"What are you doing here?"

"Just stopped by to see you. I haven't really talked to you or seen you in a minute."

I stood there for a second before I stepped to the side. He walked in and I closed the door.

"How have you been?" He asked


"Thats good. She's getting big." He looked over at the swing.

"Yes she is. I'm surprised she isn't crying by now. She doesn't like that swing."

He started laughing as she began to cry. "Spoke too soon."

"I see."

"Can I hold her?"


I watched as he very carefully unbuckled the straps and picked her up. He rocked her back and forth in his arms and she quickly quieted down.

"I got the magic touch."

"I'm impressed."

"Kids love me." He smiled

"Do you think you could watch her for a quick second? I really need to take a shower."

"Yea. I wasn't going to say anything but I could smell that ass from over here." He laughed

"The lies."

"Go ahead and take a shower. I don't mind."

"Thank you."

I nearly ran to the bathroom and turned the shower on. I stepped inside and the water felt amazing against my skin. My 5 minute shower easily turned into an hour shower. I got out feeling refreshed. I dried off and put on my underwear and a long t shirt.

I hope Jay isn't mad. I spent more time in the shower than I expected. I walked back into the living room and he was laying on the couch watching tv and Lyric was laying on his chest asleep.

"I'm back."

"About time. I thought you got lost back there."

"You just full of jokes today huh?"


I picked up Lyric and carried her to her bedroom. I laid her in the crib and walked back to the living room.

"Yo, don't move! You got a bug or something on you." Jay hopped up

"What? Get it off!" I whined

He stood behind me and smacked my ass hard. "Got it." He laughed

"Why you playing." I hit him

"I had to."


"Have you ate today? You hungry?"

"I ate a bowl of cereal this morning but that's it."

"What you want? I'll get you whatever you want."

"Pizza. Sauce on the side, not on the pizza."

"What kind of shit is that? Who eats like that?"

"I do nigga."

"Oh you bold now huh? I see."

"You could be half way back with my pizza by now." I laughed

"Daaamn. Alright. I'ma go."

I locked the door behind him and sat in the chair. It's almost time for Lyric to eat again. I went into the kitchen to fix her a bottle. As I walked to her room, she began to cry. I picked her up and fed her. She went right back to sleep after she was done.

Jay was gone for about 20 minutes before he came back. My mouth watered at the smell of the pizza.

"So I have some good news."

"What is it?" I asked

"I may be getting drafted by the NBA."

"Really? Thats great."

"Yeah. There has been a talent scout watching me. A few teams may be interested."

"I'm happy for you. That's major."

"I know. You're the only person that I have told. Didn't want to jinx it or anything."

"Well don't I feel special."

"How are you and Chris?"

"I haven't talked to him."

He shook his head. "I thought he would've at least changed a little bit knowing that he has a daughter now. He must not realize how important it is for a little girl to have her father."

"He doesn't but I can't continue to sit here and try to force him to do something. It's sad but she has me and I'm going to try to do my best to get whatever she needs."

"You are so amazing." He looked at me

I looked back at him and in that moment it's as if his eyes were full of love. Like he wanted me but not in a lustful way.

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