Chapter 12

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I rolled over and cut my alarm off. I laid in bed trying to decide if I wanted to go to class today or not. I sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. I scrolled through my phone as I sat there.

I finally got up and went into the bathroom. I turn the shower on and stripped out of my clothes. I let the hot water run all over my body.

After my shower, I did my hair and got dressed. I decided to wear something simple today. I grabbed my hat off the shelf before walking  into my bedroom.

I picked up my bag and walked down the hall to the room Riley was in

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I picked up my bag and walked down the hall to the room Riley was in. She was already up and packing her bag.

"You'll probably be gone before I get home from my classes today."

"I know. I'm going to miss you." She hugged me.

"Make sure you lock the door before you leave."

"I will."

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an orange. I peeled it on my way to class.

"Hey girl!"

I glanced to my left and saw Amber walking over.

"Hey." I smiled

"Where you headed to?"

"Art." I sighed

"I have African Amerian studies."

"Oh ok." I nodded

As we were talking, I felt someone wrap their arms around me. I looked down at the tattoos and I could tell that it wasn't Chris.

"Hey Jayceon." I smiled

"Hey beautiful." His raspy voice filled my ears. "I want you to come to my game tonight."

"I don't know about that."

"Why not? Nobody is gon fuck with you. I wont allow that. I promise."

"I'll think about it."

"Ok. See you after class."

I turned around to find Amber still standing there.

"Uh, who is he? He fine as hell. That's your boyfriend?"

"Nah." I shook my head. "My boyfriend is over there." I pointed to Chris. "Jayceon is just a friend."

"Damn, both of them fine as hell. And you said you were insecure? Girl bye." Amber laughed

"I think I'm slowly starting to love myself. It takes time."  I smiled

"True. I'll see you later though."

"Wait. What's your number?" I asked and handed her my phone.

She saved her number before walkng to her class.

I walked into the art building and the halls were bare. I spotted Chris standing near our class. I was about to walk inside but he pulled me back.

"What the fuck was that?" His jaw clenched


"Why was that nigga all over you like that? You're mine."

"Yea, in private right." I folded my arms

"I dont give a fuck. Dont let that shit happen again."

I rolled my eyes and walked into class.


Chris didn't come into class today. I dont know why. I placed my sketch book into my bag and left class once it was over.

The halls were crowded but I spotted Chris since he was tall. I smiled as I walked over to him. My smile faded as I saw him exchange numbers with another girl. I stood there with tears in my eyes. I wanted to walk away but I didn't. I took a deep breathe and went over to him.

"What's this?" I folded my arms "I can't talk to other niggas but you can talk to whoever?"

"Lauren." Chris looked at me.

"What? You're my man right?" I smirked before looking at the girl

"Yes." He mumbled

"I didn't hear you."

"Yes. Man, damn."

"Exactly. Act like it." I walked out of the building.

I have no idea where that confidence came from but I think I like it. It's time for me to toughen up.

Jayceon was waiting for me with his friends outside of the building.

"How was class?"

"It was ok."

"You coming to my game?" He pulled at the bottom of my shirt as he bit his lip.

"Fine. I'll come." I blushed.

"Good. It starts at 7."

We exchanged our goodbyes and I walked home.

I unlocked the door and walked into my apartment.

I sent Amber a quick text asking her if she wanted to go to the game tonight with me.

Amber (4:53 PM): Hell yea I'll go

Me (4:55 PM): Cool. It starts at 7

Amber (5:01 PM): Send me your address. We can get ready together.

I sent her my address and about 15 minutes later she had arrived.

"What are you wearing?" She sat on my bed

"I don't know." I sighed

"Let me pick something. Where's your closet?"

I guided her to my closet and watched her search through my things.

"Why you never wear none of this? Shit still got tags on it."

I shrugged

"We gon get you right boo."

Amber pulled out a pair of high waisted jeans, a crop top and a sweater. I can't lie. It was cute but I'm not wearing it.

"Here you go." She handed me the outfit.

I reluctantly grabbed it "I don't want to wear this." I looked at the crop top

"Break out of your comfort zone. Its ok to have eyes on you. Own that shit. If they like it, great. If not, fuck them. Stop letting other people dictate what you can and can not wear. If you want to walk outside in a bikini, do that shit." She laughed. "Don't live your life in fear of what other people think."

I nodded. "You're right."

It's time for me to do what I want and live my life. I just hope this newfound confidence doesn't leave as quickly as it came.

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