Chapter 35

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I sat in the living room watching tv. Jay had classes today so he's been gone since this morning. Lyric is growing so fast. It makes me sad just thinking about it but I'm enjoying every minute. She's crawling all over the place and has started pulling herself up. She'll be walking soon. She loves to 'talk' and love to listen. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

My attention got directed towards the front door as Jayceon walked in. Lyric began to bounce up and down as she held onto the couch, trying not to fall.

"Dadadadada!" She squealed

"Is that my baby I hear?" He walked into the living room with a smile on his face.

Lyric reached for him and he picked her up. I always love seeing them interact with each other.

"You cooked?" He looked towards the kitchen

"Yes I did. I just thought it would be nice to have a home cooked meal instead of going out to eat all the time."

"What did you cook?"

"Fried chicken, macaroni and cheese and corn."

"You ate already?"

"Nope. I was waiting for you."

"Well let's eat."

We went into the kitchen and I fixed our plates. 

"How was class?" I asked as we ate

"Boring as fuck." He laughed

"You don't have practice today?"

"Nah. I do tomorrow. You trying to get rid of me?"

"Of course not."

He smiled "This is good. Who taught you how to cook?"

"I taught myself."

He smacked his lips. "Stop lying."

We finished up our food and I fed Lyric before I put her down for a nap.

I sat in the living room and watched tv with Jay. Riley picked up Lyric about an hour ago to give me a little break for a couple hours.

I looked over at Jay and he had fell asleep. I got up from my seat quietly and sat on his lap. I kissed all over his face and he opened his eyes.

I kissed his lips and his tongue entered my mouth. I moaned into the kiss and began to grind against him. His hands roamed my body and he smirked, realizing that I had nothing on under this shirt.

He picked me up and carried me into my bedroom and laid me on the bed. He climbed on top of me and connected his lips with mine. He pulled my shirt off and his head instantly got between my legs. He kissed and sucked on my second set of lips.

"Don't tease me." I whimpered

He spread my legs open and held them down by my thighs. His tongue attacked my clit and I arched my back. He flicked his tongue over my clit before sucking on it and sliding a finger inside me. I bit my lip as I looked down and watched him.

He winked at me and put another finger inside. His mouth never left my clit. He continued to devour me and I felt myself about to explode.

"I'm about to-" My breath got caught in my throat as I moaned

He curved his fingers and I came. He got up off of the bed and pulled me by my ankle to the edge. In one swift motion, his shorts were off and he hovered over me.

He kissed me as he slowly slid into me. My nails dug into his back. He pushed deeper and deeper into me. My eyes began to roll back. He allowed me to adjust to his size before he moved any faster. He slowly pumped in and out of me as he placed kisses on my neck.

He stood up and tightly gripped my hips as he slammed into me.

"Fuck." He groaned and bit his lip

The room was filled with my moans and an occasional grunt from him.

His groans turned me on even more, causing me to tighten my muscles around him. He smacked my thigh and ran his hand up my body until he got to my neck. He placed his hand around my neck and squeezed gently, being sure not to do it too hard.

"This my pussy?" He bit his lip. "Huh?" He slowed his pace

"Mhmm" I moaned

"Tell me its mine" He smirked as he continued to go slow but deeper with each stroke

"It's yours baby." I grabbed the sheets

"Who's?" He pushed all of himself into me

"Jayceon!" I moaned loudly

"Mm. That's right baby."

He leaned down and kissed me before he started to pound into me again. He rubbed my clit as he filled me up. My legs began to shake. My moans turned into screams and I came again but he didn't stop. He placed his hand back around my neck and squeezed a little harder as he continued until I squirted everywhere. He pulled out before he came. My body was still shaking even though he was no longer inside me. I didn't want to move. I couldn't move, even if I wanted to.

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