Chapter 13

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I tugged at the bottom of the crop top as I looked at myself in my full length mirror.

"I can't wear this." I turned around and looked at Amber.

"You look fine. I promise." She smiled.

I sighed and grabbed my phone. "You ready?"

We both walked out of my apartment and down the street to campus. We walked into the arena and sat court side. The team was warming up so we just watched.

Jayceon came over and grabbed his water bottle. "I'm glad you're here. You look great."

"Thank you." I blushed

"Anytime baby girl." He winked and jogged back onto the court.


The game started about 30 minutes ago. The arena is now packed and I feel like people are watching me instead of the game. I felt extremely uncomfortable and Jayceon made it no better. He kept blowing kisses, bringing unwanted attention in my direction. I tried to block out everyone and just focus on the game.

Halftime rolled around and the team sat on the sidelines. I looked around until my eyes landed on Jayceon and he waved me over. I slowly walked over to him and stood in front of him.

"Who you looking all good for?" He bit his lip as he pulled me closer by my hips

I blushed and looked away

He lowly chuckled "Can you do something for me?"


"Get me some starburst from the concession stand out there." He grabbed his pants from beside the seat and pulled a 5 dollar bill out of the pocket. "Just go around the side and ask for Eric."

"Sure." I grabbed the money and walked back over to Amber. "Come on."

"Where we going?"

"I gotta get Jay something."

Amber stood up and followed me out of the arena doors. I nervously walked over to the side of the concession stand. A tall guy appeared at the doorway.

"Can I help you?"

"You Eric?"

The guy nodded

"Jayceon wants some starburst." I handed him the $5.

Eric laughed and handed my a bag. "Here you go sweetheart."

I smiled and walked back into the arena. As I approached Jayceon, there were a couple of people standing in front of him talking but he looked unamused.

"Here you go." I handed him the bag and went back to my seat.


I watched as everyone celebrated. Jayceon made the winning shot tonight. Me and Amber walked down to congratulate him.

"Get your fat asses off the court!" Someone yelled.

Jayceon ran towards me and in the next moment I was soaked. Soda dripped from my body. Jayceon ran up the bleachers and I ran out of the arena.

"You ok?" Amber caught up to me

"Yea. I'm fine." Tears ran down my face

"No your not." She pulled me into a hug.

"I just want to go home." I pulled away

She sighed and walked beside me. We walked down to the first floor of the arena and out the doors. The cold night air hit my body and I began to shiver. Me and Amber said our goodbyes and went separate ways. As I was walking I spotted Chris standing by his car. As I walked closer, I noticed that he was kissing a girl. Tears began to run down my face again.

"So this is what you do huh?" I walked over to him

"What do you want?" He looked in my direction

"Fuck you Chris." I walked away

I unlocked my apartment door and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower. I sobbed as I washed the sticky residue from the soda off of my body. I dried myself off and pulled on a sweatshirt then headed to bed. I laid there crying until I drifted off to sleep.

9:52 AM

I groaned and rolled over in bed. My phone kept vibrating. I picked it up and I had several missed calls and texts. I ignored Chris and went to the thread between Jayceon and I.

Jay (1:43 AM): Are you ok?

Jay (2:25 AM): Open up. I'm Outside

Missed call from Jay (2:40 AM)

Jay (3:05 AM): Lauren??

I called his phone and his raspy voice answered. "Hello?"

"Hey. I was sleep when you text me."

"Yea I figured that. I'm still here though. Downstairs in my car. I didn't feel right going home without making sure you were ok."

"I'm fine." I sighed.

"Nah. I gotta see you."

A few seconds later, there was a knock on my door.

I opened the door and he walked in. He walked over to the living room and I followed. I sat there with my head down.

He called my name and when I looked up at him, I instantly burst into tears. He sat beside me and held me close.

"I beat that bitch ass. I got suspended from the next game but I don't care. That shit won't cool."

"You didn't have to do that." My voice cracked.

"Yes I did. Obviously, your boyfriend don't do shit about it."

I shook my head. "He isn't my boyfriend."

"What happened?"

"I caught him kissing another girl. Then he looked at me like he didn't even know me! All the time we spent together! All the shit he told me! If you are going to the same shit you can get the fuck out too! I can't take much more of this."

"It's ok babygirl. I got you. I'm not leaving." He kissed the top of my head, then wiped my tears away.

I laid in his arms for hours. No one said a word. I looked up at him and noticed he had fell asleep.

He's not like Chris, right? I want to believe it but I just can't. He's too good to be true. Someone like him can't be interested in me. It just isn't possible. And Chris proved it. Being with me behind closed doors is fine but being in public is a different story. No one wants to publicly date a fat girl.


Amber in MM!

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