Chapter 57

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2 years later


"Maaaa!" Dakota whined as he followed me around the house. "Mommy" He pulled on my sweat pants.

I turned around and picked him up. "What is it?"

He laid his head on my shoulder and closed his eyes. I laughed and shook my head. This boy is so spoiled. I grabbed my phone and keys off of the counter and carried him outside. I buckled him in and got in the car. It was time to pick up Lyric from school. My baby is a kindergartner now. And growing everyday. She's definitely Chris' child though. Her personality, temper and facial expressions are just like his. For the most part, she still looks like me, besides her eyes and ears.

Dakota fell asleep during the ride. I looked in the rear view mirror at his cute little face.

"Hi mommy!" Lyric climbed into the car. "Look what I got." She waved papers in my face.

"Put your seatbelt on." I grabbed the papers.

The first one was a drawing of her family and the second one was her report card. It shows that she's well above her grade level and that they will be introducing her to first grade work since she flies through her work now because its so easy to her.

"Good job baby." I smiled

"Can we go to the mall?"

"For what?" I laughed

"I want new shoes."

Normally I wouldn't give in but since she's doing good I decided to take her. "Ok, we can do that."


30 minutes later

I held Lyric's hand and put Kody on my hip as we walked into the mall. We stepped onto the escalator and went to the top floor. We made our way into Foot Locker and Lyric went straight to the kids shoes. I put Kody down so he could walk and he stood right beside her.

I sat on the bench and watched her as she focused on the shoes.

"I want these!" She picked up the red 'Win Like 96' Jordan 11s.

"Me too!" Kody looked at me

I might as well get me and Jay some too. I walked over to the worker and asked him for everyone's size and he disappeared into the back. He came back with all four boxes and I paid for them.

"Come on. Lets go." I grabbed the bags

"Wait mommy." Lyric picked up another shoe

"Girl, put that shoe down." I laughed

"Please." She pouted

Before I could respond, a familiar laugh caught my attention. I turned around to find Chris walking into the store with his friends.

 I turned around to find Chris walking into the store with his friends

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