Chapter 52

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I am now 38 weeks pregnant and huge. At my last doctors appointment they told me that the baby was weighing 8 lbs, 5oz already. I have to carry his heavy butt around for a couple more weeks. I feel like I might have him early though, because I keep having pain in my lower back.

"Look at my baby ya'll" Jay came into the bedroom holding his phone.

"What are you doing?"

"Recording a video to put on my Instagram. Say Hi to the camera."

"Get away." I threw a pillow at him

I attempted to get off of the bed but I couldn't. He stood there laughing at me.

"It's not funny."

"I'm definitely putting that on my page." He walked over and helped me up


I put my feet up on the table as I watched tv.

"What we doing today?" Red came from the back.

"We? Nigga you grown. I got my own shit to do."

"When's the last time you talked to ya baby moms?" Mijo sat across from me

I shrugged. "Been months. Why?"

"Did she look pregnant?"

"Nah." I blew smoke from my mouth. "She actually looked good as hell. She lost alot of weight. Clothes were fitting good. She has some nice curves. Why you ask?"

"Cause she pregnant now nigga."

"Yea ok. Stop playing." I laughed

"Look." He tossed his phone to me before walking into the kitchen.

My smile dropped as I looked at the video. I sat the phone on the table and walked to the bathroom. I locked the door behind me and looked at myself in the mirror. I really fucked up. She really not coming back to me. I watched as tears fell from my eyes but I didn't even care. She was perfect and now another nigga got her. I didn't appreciate her when I had her. I always thought she would come back. I guess I pushed her too far.


I climbed onto the bed, staying on my knees, Jay got behind me to massage my back. I swayed back and forth to try to ease the pain away. Its been getting worse as the day goes on.

I put my head down as I felt another pain.

"I think those are contractions babe. We should go to the hospital."

I shook my head. "Not yet."

"Mom!" Jay yelled and his mother rushed in. "She keeps having pains but don't want to go to the hospital."

His mother sat in front of me. "Did your water break?"

"No. Just leaking a little."

"Well, JJ, If her water hasn't broke yet, they aren't going to do anything but send you right back home. How about you take her for a walk. That should help."


"Come on." I helped Lauren off of the bed.

I slowly walked with her outside. We walked up and down the driveway for over an hour.

We were about to walk into the house when she just stopped. It's like she was stuck.

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