Chapter 16

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I sat in class staring at the wall. I didn't want to be here today.

"Alright class, you have another project. You will be working with the same partner from the previous project." Dr. B walked around the room and handed everyone a paper.

I silently groaned. Another project added on top of what I already have to do. Great. College is stressful as hell. I glanced over at Chris and he was staring at me. I smiled and faced the front.

My mind wandered off, thinking about how good his tongue felt. I bit my bottom lip as I sketched on my paper. I tuned out everything. My mind was so far gone. Dr. B loudly cleared her throat and I instantly put the pencil down.

I looked up to find her standing directly in front of me

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I looked up to find her standing directly in front of me. Her eyes slightly widened when she looked at my drawing. I quickly snatched it off of the table and put it in my bag.

I kept my head down as I looked at the project overview she placed in front of me.

"Alright class. If you have any questions, you know how to reach me. Have a good day."

I zipped up my bag and made my way out of the building.

"Heyyy boo." Amber walked towards me.

I smiled "Hey girl."

"So I was thinking," she rested her arm on my shoulder "since you got the juice around campus and what not, you should get one of your fine ass niggas to hook me up with one of their fine ass friends."

I laughed loudly and kept walking. I looked over at Amber and she wasn't laughing. I quickly stopped and cleared my throat.

"Oh. You're serious?"

"Hell yea."

"I'll ask Jayceon." I shrugged

"You'll ask me what?" I heard Jayceon's voice

I turned around and he was standing behind me.

" friend was wondering if you had any friends that she could talk to."

He looked over at Amber then back at me. "Im sure I do. I'll let you know. You going home?"

"Yep." I nodded

"All this walking you do everyday got you looking slim and shit."

"Stop lying." I laughed

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