Chapter 7

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I walked out of my bedroom and picked up my backpack. I grabbed my keys and an apple off of the counter and headed out the door. I jogged down the steps and out of the building.

I ate my apple as I walked down the street. It was hot as hell today so I walked quicker than usual.

"Hey baby."

I looked over and Jayceon was walking beside me.

I blushed before replying. "Hey."

He laughed and put his arm around me "What class you got?"


"You mind if I walk you?"

I smiled and shook my head.

I began to feel nervous as people watched us walk through the hall together. Jayceon greeted his friends but I remained silent. I felt out of place.

We approached my class and Chris was standing by the door talking to his friends. He spotted me and Jayceon and a confused expression came over his face. I looked away and walked around them.

Jayceon pulled me to the opposite side of the door before I could walk in.

"What time your class end?"

"2:30" I replied

He looked at his watch and then nodded. "Cool. I'll be here to walk you home." He smiled

I smiled and turned around.

He grabbed my arm "I know you not gonna walk in there without giving me a hug."

I turned back around and placed my arms around him. I inhaled his scent and I nearly moaned. He smelled amazing.

"See you later." He walked off down the hall.

I walked past Chris and into class. I sat at my seat and took out my supplies.


"Alright class. Your projects are due next week. If you have any questions regarding your projects, I will be here until 6." Dr. B spoke

I placed my notebook back into my bag and zipped it up. I stood from my seat and walked out of class.

Walking out of the building, I could hear someone calling my name. I looked around and finally saw Jayceon. I smiled but it quickly faded when I noticed his friends around him. He waved me over. I was hesitant at first but I slowly walked over.

He placed his arm around me as I stood beside him. He introduced me to his friends and I shyly said hey. He wrapped up his conversation and we began walking.

"How was class?"

"Good." I smiled

"You know something? You should let me take you out one day."

My eyes grew wide and my mind went blank. "Uhhh. I don't know." I nervously chewed my bottom lip.

"It's cool. No pressure babe."

We crossed the street and approached my apartment. I was actually enjoying him walking me home. It was nice. I just hope his intentions arent like everyone else's.

"Chris?" I scrunched up my face. "What are you doing here?"

"We do have a project to finish."

I sighed "Thats right."

"Yeah." Chris looked over at Jayceon

Jayceon laughed and pulled me in to a hug. "I'll call you later." He kissed my cheek.

I blushed and walked up the steps into the building. I decided to take the elevator today.

I walked to my apartment door and went inside with Chris right behind me.

I sat my bag on the floor and went to my art room. I really didn't know what to say to Chris so I stayed quiet.

He picked up the spray paint and began working. I sat on the couch and watched since I was finished with my part.

"That's your boyfriend now?" He spoke without turning around


"Sure as hell seem like it."

"Why do you care?"

He didn't say anything.

I shook my head and went into the living room.

A couple hours passed by and he finally came out of the room.


"Yea. I'll be back to get it."


I watched as he walked out the door. I locked it and went to take a shower.

I talked to Riley for a little before I got in the bed.

"He walked you home again?"

"Yea." I smiled

"He wants you."

"Naahh. But Chris was here when we got here."


"To finish our project."

"Oh. Fuck him. He lost his chance."


"What? I'm just saying."

A called beeped in on the other line. I glanced at my phone and saw it was Jayceon.

"Gotta call you back. Bye!" I quickly hung up to answer his call.


"Wassup sweetheart?"

"Nothing much."

"What you doing?"

"About to get in bed."

"Cool, cool. You have class tomorrow?"

"No. I don't."

"Good. I can keep you up late." He laughed.

"I guess so." I smiled.

"Well tell me all about Ms. Lauren."

"Where do I start?"

"The beginning."

I sighed and laid across my bed. "Well, I grew up in Brooklyn....."

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