Chapter 34

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Jayceon has been helping me out so much with Lyric. It seemed like caring for a child came natural to him. It's kind of like he stepped up and took Chris' place. He's at my place all the time. He basically lives here.

Lyric is 6 months now and Chris has only seen her once. He'll text me saying he's coming to see her but never shows up. I wouldn't mind him coming around because it is his daughter too but he just shows no effort towards anything.

"What you thinking about over there?" Jay asked


"Right. Let me take you out today."

"That sounds nice but I don't have a babysitter."

"Who said you needed one? She can come too."

"Where are we going?"

"To the mall, get something to eat. Chill shit, just to get out the house."

"Cool. We have to get dressed though."

"Go ahead."

I went and got myself dressed first and then I put some clothes on Lyric and a bow in her hair. I didn't do anything extra because we aren't doing anything special.

We rode in Jay's car to the mall. He held Lyric as we walked around into different stores.

"This is cute." I held up a dress as I looked around in Forever 21.

"Get it."

I blankly stared at him. "I have to save all my money for her."

"I didn't say you were paying for it, I just said get it. I got you."

"I couldn't let you do that."

"You better get it." He laughed

"Nah." I attempted to put it back but he wouldn't let me.

"Pick out whatever you want."

I hesitantly picked up a pair of jeans and a shirt. "This is all I like."

"Stop playing."

"I'm serious Jay."

"Alright." He handed Lyric to me so he could pay for what I picked.

We continued to walked throughout the mall. A children's store caught my eye and slowed my pace as I looked through the window.

"You want to go in there?" He asked

"Its ok."

"Stop being like that. Come on." He walked inside

I looked around at the outfits. "It's all so cute."

Jay wandered off looking at the clothes for little boys. I continued to look at the clothes and everything else that was in the store. I walked from the back of the store where the shoes were and Jay was at the counter grabbing bags.

"What are you doing?" I walked over to him

"She wears 6 to 9 months right?"

"Yea." I nodded

"Well I got that and a few of them are bigger so she can grow into it."


"But nothing." He cut me off. "It's already paid for. What's the next stop?"

"Home." I laughed as we walked out the store.

"We have to eat first."

We went into a few more stores and Jay got some things for himself. We finally made it back to the car and Jay put all of the bags in the trunk.

He opened the back door for me and I strapped Lyric in her carseat and closed the door. I got in on the passenger side. Before I could put my seatbelt on, Jay opened the door.

"Nah, get out." He motioned for me to get out. "What I tell you about doors?"

I simply laughed

"So hardheaded. I open the doors around here."

"Yes daddy." I winked and got in the car.

He stood there with his mouth opened which caused me to laugh harder.


We decided to get something cheap to eat. We were currently sitting down inside waiting for our food. Lyric sat in my lap laughing at Jay as he played with her.

Our food came and we began to eat. I let Lyric taste a little bit of my food.

"Its good?" Jay smiled at Lyric and she smiled back.

She began to squirm and whine as I held her.

"Hand her to me." Jay reached across the table. "I'll hold her so you can eat."

As soon as she got across the table with Jay, she was quiet.

"Ohh, thats messed up." I laughed

We finished eating and came back to my place. Lyric fell asleep in the car so Jay carried her up first then went back down to get the bags.

"Where do you want me to put this?" He stood in the doorway

"Just put everything in my closet. I'll go through it later."

He nodded and disappeared into my bedroom. I followed behind him after I got Lyric situated in her bed. I turned my bedroom tv on and flipped through the channels as I laid on the bed.

Jay crawled up and laid between my legs.

"Can I ask you something?" He looked up at me


"How would you feel if I told you that I love you?"

My eyes grew wide. "I don't know."

"Well I do. I've been around you for over a year and I always get this feeling when I'm around you. For me, its deeper than your physical beauty. I can sit down and have a conversation with you. I can sit here and not do anything and I'm happy just being in your presence. I'd do anything for you and Lyric. I am in love with you and everything about you."

I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. I kissed him. And he kissed me back with so much love and passion, I wanted to melt right than and there.

"I love you too." I smiled

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